Scared? Moi?
I'm quite safe here, under the stairs with a miner's hat on, thank you very much!
There are little hershey kisses in your underwear right now.
Fess up.
Nope, the pair I've just changed into are spotlessly clean.
The other pair, however.......
I just heard the winds could reach 112mph, batten down the tea set and the Queen.
seems to be abating a bit now
uh oh spoke too soon...various noises of a structural type
dammit I really dont like this
hope everyone ok
It's worse in other parts of Germany (and our state) than here (over 100 km/h) just now here).
In the States such winds wouldn't even be worth mentioning.
I generally will hold on to my hat when the winds reach 160 mph or better, but anything less than that is merely a breeze blowing the seeds around.
Damn, I came back from Sainsbury's and another bit of the fence had blown down!
But that was not so drastic and I nailed it up again, helped by the bloke across the road.
Gee whizz, I've never known a wind like it, except on mountaintops.
Who can we blame??
Any road up, the garage has just phoned to say my car is fixed now so I'll get the bus down to fetch it. Did I say how wonderful our British workmen are? And I need to buy some long nails on the way Smorgs, not acrylic ones.
Four people dead according to the BBC, including a woman crushed by a falling wall in Stockport.
Two persons so far in Germany, including a 18 month old girl, who died under a balcony door which was blown into the room.
Flooding in Northenden, just went for a walk around the corner with a colleague to look at the damage, trees down everywhere, there was a massive blast just now that made my ears go funny... it's really scary!
Traffic jammed on Palatine Road McT, don't go and get your car yet... aint worth it, it will take you ages.
Thought you would have gone for gel nails anyway - they look tres natural...
I have homegrown ones.
smorgs wrote:...... I have to watch the local news tonight, you'll see me waving in the window........
Where were they from, Sarah?
The Beeb News? If so, I'll have to tune into the Manchester prog instead of the London one , just to be nosey.
smorgsie wrote-
Quote:I'm going on a course next week to learn how to make decisions! (really)
That's a coincidence. I'm on one too on man management. I'm the man who needs managing. Mon- Fri.
Woe is me.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:In the States such winds wouldn't even be worth mentioning.
I generally will hold on to my hat when the winds reach 160 mph or better, but anything less than that is merely a breeze blowing the seeds around.
Don't let Gus fool you. At his age he actually gets
envious of a stiff wind.
(joke courtesy of Rodney Dangerfield)
Well, I had a lok at "NW Tonight" on the Beeb, but didn't see any sign of smorgs, or her frillies.
One thing I DID notice though, was that you've got that Gordon wotsisname hosting the programme, the bloke who used to do the Krypton Factor.
Haven't seen hide nor hair of him for years, and I wondered where he'd got to.
I also see that the Beeb are moving all their yuppies up to Salford, as they're building a new, super duper media cantre up there.
You lot'll be talking posher than us in a couple of years, I reckon.
Steve 41oo wrote:spendius wrote:smorgsie wrote-
Quote:I'm going on a course next week to learn how to make decisions! (really)
That's a coincidence. I'm on one too on man management. I'm the man who needs managing. Mon- Fri.
Woe is me.
silly person s
So you're ok weekends?
you pissed again, stevie?