margo wrote:kickycan wrote:I agree with dlowan. It really isn't.
I'm with dlowan and kicky - get your English/grammar/spelling right.
As to your predicament - the phrase "Who the bloody hell cares?" comes almost instantly to mind. Perhaps your spelling was crap there, too!
What do you people in Australia know about spelling. Don't criticize us great Americans!
Color-You spell it colour
neighbor-You spell it neighbour
Tire-You spell it tyre
dadpad wrote:your just sucking up so you dont end up with incisors marks on youre arse.
Uhoh you're gonna get punked now..
dadpad wrote:nimh wrote:dadpad wrote:your just sucking up so you dont end up with incisors marks on youre arse.
Uhoh you're gonna get punked now..

Yeah, bring it on, pea brain!
Victor Murphy wrote:Mame wrote:Virtually nobody uses the word "pussy" for cat. It's pretty much exclusively used for female private parts; therefore, you take a risk and you lose... You really only have yourself to blame.
Perhaps your history with the Sun and your clearly
charming personality contributed to your banning. Anywho, since you are only out of there until October 5 of this year it is actually merely a suspension so stop your dweebish weeping.
Victor Murphy wrote:ossobuco wrote:You apparently violated the Baltimore Sun's terms of service. Why are you complaining about it and insulting them here?
Because they are a-holes. If you don't like listning to me, go some place else!
Ah, a case of life imitating art.
Victor Murphy wrote:margo wrote:kickycan wrote:I agree with dlowan. It really isn't.
I'm with dlowan and kicky - get your English/grammar/spelling right.
As to your predicament - the phrase "Who the bloody hell cares?" comes almost instantly to mind. Perhaps your spelling was crap there, too!
What do you people in Australia know about spelling. Don't criticize us great Americans!
Color-You spell it colour
neighbor-You spell it neighbour
Tire-You spell it tyre
We do the same. However, we spell tire ....tire. These are all acceptable spellings for the words you provided. However, your and you're are two totally different words with different meanings. They do not have optional spelling.
My hat is off to the Baltimore Sun.
(Intrepid) Ah, a case of life imitating art.
Ok. I have to agree with the majority here that when you do a thread with a provocative title, and run the risk of offending people, you have to be willing to take your medicine.
But while I agree with that, I have to add:
Lay off of Victor! You see.....Baltimore is my home town! Yes, I am from Baltimore. And Victor is right that the Baltimore Sun -- more appropriately known as the BS -- isn't good for much other than bird cage lining.
Having said that, I still heart Baltimore. So lay off Victor and the rest of us Baltimorons.
This should also explain my long-standing antipathy towards the Steelers. You'd have to be from Baltimore to understand.
Every autumn, whenever the Steelers would come to Balto for a game -- the cry would go up all over town...."Oh no!! Here come.....the Steeler fans!"
Their fans would pour in from Pittsburgh, Philly, etc. -- it seemed like the entire state of PA would flood into the Baltimore Stadium.
The Steelers fans were -- without exception -- the nastiest, crudest, noisiest fans of any team in the entire NFL. They would take over the stands in arrogant, loud-mouthed support of their team.
To make matters worse, my first serious boyfriend -- the first real love of my life -- happened to be from.....Pittsburgh! Needless to say, he adored the .... the.....(struggling to spit out the word).....Steelers! It was the only point of contention between us!
I used to try to explain the Baltimore point of view about the Steelers fans to him -- but he'd just laugh! He'd laugh and call us pussies! It almost seemed like the Steelers were coming between us! Stupid Steelers!
Anyway, Victor, if I'm not mistaken, the Ravens are playing the Sucaneers tomorrow! But the Ravens will win! They must! They must, I tell you!
Go Ravens!
Is that Victor up there with the finger?
Mame wrote:Is that Victor up there with the finger?
Yes Mame it is me Victor aka "Joe Nagle". I bet you're sorry you saw that picture! Aren't you?
Joe Nagle - that startled me - we had a very very good friend, Joe Nagel, who was killed in a horrible drunk driving car accident one morning on his way to work. It must be 5 or 6 years now but we still can't believe he's gone.
Sorry, off topic, I know.
Mame wrote:Joe Nagle - that startled me - we had a very very good friend, Joe Nagel, who was killed in a horrible drunk driving car accident one morning on his way to work. It must be 5 or 6 years now but we still can't believe he's gone.
Sorry, off topic, I know.
Hope that me adding my real name didn't ruin your day! I had no way of knowing.
Not at all, Victor... thanks for your concern...the name just startled me. It's an unusual one.
On October 5th the Baltimore Sun reinstated me to their forum. Today is October 13th, 8 days later. They just banned me again this time for three months, and I didn't do anything. I don't know where they got this nonsense!
You have been banned for the following reason:
Reputation comment: "You forgot one, "Negrophobia". A fear of monkeys."
Date the ban will be lifted: 01-13-2007, 04:00 PM
I'd say its all a misunderstanding - a misunderstanding centered between the back of your chair and your keyboard.