Fri 1 Sep, 2006 06:07 am
What's the dumbest thing President Bush has ever said?
Oh, man. There are so many to choose from! Nearly every day I hear a new one on TV or read it in the newspaper.
Every time Bush opens his mouth something incredibly stupid falls out. He sould have his lips sewn shut.
I'm a uniter not a divider....
Oh hell Babs let's go ahead and have the baby..... oh!! You mean the dumbest thing President george W bush ever said..... never mind.....
Are NickFun and freedom4free the same person?
I can assure you freedom4free and NickFun are two entireley different people. Though I'm sure freedom4free is still a wonderful person...
NickFun wrote:I can assure you freedom4free and NickFun are two entireley different people. Though I'm sure freedom4free is still a wonderful person...
If you're entirely different... and freedom4free is wonderful....
That makes me a total a$$hole! Perhaps we are not TOTALLY DIFFERENT...
By the way, why is it ok to say tits, **** and ********** on here but you can't say a$$ hole?