Tue 3 Jun, 2003 08:57 am
Hi LittleK. One of the things that occurred to me is I hope I don't become famous otherwise someone 500 years down the road will be digging me up for some spurious solution.
ARGH! You mean to say that the tomb I saw in the cathedral in Seville of Christopher is a fake? c.i.
I've often been mistaken for Christopher Columbus. Just the other day on the golf course, it happened. The guy walking towards me said, "Christopher Columbus are you here again!"
Sometimes I am also mistaken for Jesus Christ.
Maybe its my beard.
It's been said of Christopher that he's traveled more after he died than when he was alive. Hi, Chris. c.i.
Rest easy. It's still believed the remains in Seville are in fact Columbus. Results from DNA testing still not available.
bob - who cares if they did you up 500 years after your death? You won't notice a thing.....
Christopher Columbus was one the the best deal maker in history.
He left not knowing where he was going, and upon arriving, not knowing where he was. He returned not knowing where he had been, and did it all on borrowed money.
I think, he gets royalties of this as well, isn't it "Frank"?