blatham wrote: [I'm not sure if it was intended to apply to my post, but certainly it could. Permit me to clarify the analogy I made between Stalin, cheney and Hoover.
blatham, I suppose you claim to be so educated, so intellectual, so much smarter about history than some of us are not furthering your cause much with the above, except to prove you are kookier than I ever imagined.
To expand a bit on your musings, there is no doubt in my mind that there are thousands of potential Stalins in the world, and always have been. The difference is the poltical system in which they operate and that constrains them, to limit the authority that government can have over people. Be that as it may, to compare Hoover and Cheney to Stalin pretty much illustrates your naivity of judging character. I will admit Hoover was quirky to say the least, but in no way would I ever consider Dick Cheney a dysfunctional member of society. Good grief, blatham, have you lost your mind? Given my experience of debate on this forum, I hope I never live under a government directed by you, blatham, as I might fear for my very life.