anton wrote:mysteryman wrote:Quote:To begin with the US did not declare war on Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler declared war on the US at the same time the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour, it was then that a state of war existed between the US and Germany; initially the US wanted nothing to do with the war which they referred to as "that European war"
Britain and her Commonwealth stood alone against the might of the Third Reich for just over two years before America was dragged into the fray.
You need to retract your statement.
The US DID declare war on Germany,on Dec 11, 1941.
For your education, here is a copy of that declaration...
Perhaps you should read my post again where I said,
"Adolf Hitler declared war on the US at the same time the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour, it was then that a state of war existed between the US and Germany; that is a fact and if Hitler had not declared war on the US America would never have declared war on Germany, they would have continued to sit on the fence counting the dollars.
I am still wondering how you declare war on terror, perhaps it is an American thing?
Incidently I lived through the Second World War bombing and I thank God the US was dragged into the fight, it would have been a different story without their help but please do not believe your own fiction, America didn't save the world, the war was all but won when the US came in.
Please excuse me for getting off thread, I just find it so exasperating when some American's put their country forward as God's gift to mankind ... it is the only country that got rich of the back of the war!
And again you are wrong.
Here is a copy of the declaration of war, as handed to the US SecState by the German ambassador on dec 11, 1941
You will see that Germany also declared war on the US on 12/11/1941.
And here...
Scroll down and you will see the record of the proceedings in the house on 12/11/1941
So your claim that
Quote:Adolf Hitler declared war on the US at the same time the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour, it was then that a state of war existed between the US and Germany;
Is also not true.
Germany declared war 4 days AFTER the attack at Pearl Harbor.
Hitler was actually very upset that the Japanese had attacked Pearl because of the tri-partite pact they had signed.
That instrument said that if any of the signatories (Japan, Italy, and Germany) were attacked by a country not currently involved in the European conflict as of the date of the signing of the pact (27 Sept, 1940), the other 2 countries would come to their aid and defense.
Here is the text of the tripartite pact for your perusal.
Note this part here...
Quote:Germany, Italy and Japan agree to co-operate in their efforts on aforesaid lines. They further undertake to assist one another with all political, economic and military means when one of the three contracting powers is attacked by a power at present not involved in the European war or in the Chinese-Japanese conflict
That was a direct warning to the US, and when Japan attacked the US Hitler knew that the US would come after him also.
He had tried to avoid having the US get involved in the war in Europe.
AS for your claim that
Quote: the war was all but won when the US came in.
Lets examine that.
ALL of Europe, with the exception of Switzerland and England, was under German occupation.
England was being starved out by the German u-boat fleet, North Africa was occupied by the Germans.
The Japanese had control of most of the British territories in the Far East, with the exception of India and Australia.
The Germans were within shelling distance of Moscow.
Please, show me how you can honestly figure that the war was
Quote:all but won when the US came in.
Now it is true that Germany could never have succeeded with a seaborne invasion of England, they did have the power to starve the British into submission.