Agreed, especially because the other side is doing plenty of pointing and shouting!
And lest we forget, Safire cut his teeth as Spiro Agnew's speech writer: "nattering nabobs of negativism..."
Come to think of it, that was inspired compared to drek we have to listen to now!
If you read Safire for laughs, it's fine. He had an opinion on Poland the other week explaining why Poland was more important than this nebulous "Old Europe," which Poland wants to join, that was so stretched and strained it was passive exercise. But remember, Safire was a speechwriter for Nixon, and actually a more lettered and literae one than most. It's one of those cases when people who should retire don't, And here's something I read last week that Kissinger said (not a quote, but it was there) about Powell. He said most Europeans regard Powell as a small country that sometimes deals with the United States.
There are laughs all around from the republicans, once you learn where to look. I love hearing Bob Novak on Capitol Gang. And Kate O'Beirne is a cariacture. Life has gotten easier since I've started looking at and listening to a lot of blow-hards in a different manner. It simply becomes funny.
What isn't funny is our inactive dems. That's why I think writing letters to the editors of papers all over is something that could help, too. Most senators and reps don't need our calls, but the people who vote for them do.
Shucks, D'art - beat me to it!
All the people who realize that listening to (and reading) the commentary of conservatives can be entertaining -- despite the fact that the ideas are out of Alice in Wonderland -- have hit the jackpot. I've been of that opinion for years -- and it has helped me enjoy some of the posts in the various forums also.
Hey -- you gotta take something good out of every situation -- and having a good laugh is the best revenge on people whose ideas you really dislike.
Mama -- I think you've hit it -- he should have retired. His open coziness with Sharon inter alia is an indicator of a tiger losing his (own) teeth.
I also try to be amused by them. Now, if I can Bush's public statement, that would be an achievment. I'm not there yet, though...