Tartarin, I'm really just learning about a lot of that stuff. Some friends of mine have been extremely active in our hometown peace movement and have turned me on to a few groups (including the Dean 2004 internet group). I couldn't read all of that article that you linked me but looked up others on Eli Pariser -- very impressive. Looks like he will be a force to contend with, for sure. I liked the MoveOn site, too -- this method of grouping online is great -- I wasn't able to make it to a lot of the street protests (a problem with a lot of people who otherwise shared peaceful sentiments, I think) but with the online stuff there is really no excuse to sit back and make excuses. You seem to be pretty educated in this movement -- feel free to pass along anything you feel is relevant!
PDiddie, I'm in an area where there hasn't really been a shift among the righties from domestic to foreign issues -- it's been more of an addition to their previous domestic hatred. I think that maybe the terrorist thing distracted them a bit from whatever they thought was wrong with the US before 9/11, but then they've also used that against fellow Americans and have helped to create a big rift within our own citizenry (and I know that a lot of liberals have acted badly in this regard as well, but I think it's more venomous from the right).
MsSpentYouth wrote: "How do you square the pro-government support for war in Iraq with the mistrust for the government evidenced by the support Rudolph has received?"
Maybe it's like Frank said -- the Repugs always have to have a boogyman. It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to involve something to fight about. ?