Tue 8 Aug, 2006 08:33 pm
Well we've all heard the old cliche, but what does it mean to you?
I guess I'll start this bad boy off by saying that those magnetic personalities can make you feel great with one sentence, and equally as bad in the next, just real strong characteristics, and very persuasive.
But really, let's hear what you all have to say.
I could really do with one of those personalities, especially when the ball is spinning slower and slower on the roulette wheel and it gets near to my number.
What wouldn't I give for abit of natural influence then?
Yeah, I can think of a few moments I wish I'd had one of those personas.
Maybe some people have that affect on some, but not others, is that possible?
If they do it is largely a business thing, people who have huge charisma in public life rarely [if ever] take it home.
Why do you think that is?
I havn't got a "magnetic" personality so I wouldn't know, but I feel sure that you will have a theory Carbon S.
Ha, how can you be sure I'll have a theory?
And have I actually said one statement this whole thread, or are they all questions?
Don't know about that but I do know that I do not have the answers that you seem to seek...
Well I certainly have no theory in this area, only a strong curiousity. It would be helpful if we could get a magnet themselves to say a few words!
maybe people who are peceived as having "magnetic personalities" to the outside world and the business world are so tired of living up to and capitalizing on that "gift" and living up to the expectation of it for the world in general that they are just out of gas by the time they get home and despite their best wishes and love for those at home are to pooped out to be "magnetic".
I have a strong personality. Some would call it magnetic, others would call it over-bearing and are repelled by it. People have strong opinions of me one way or the other. Those who like me, really like me and those who don't, really don't. I guess magnets are the same way... from one side a magnet attracts, from the other it repels.
I think there are differences between someone who is a magnetic personality, charismatic or charming.
How do you define a magnetic personality?
To say you think that they can say something to make you feel good in one sentence and bad in another, with strong characteristics and very persuasive, that is more charming to me than magnetic.
Someone told me once that charm is a verb. It is something someone does TO you. It means more manipulation to me. A magnetic personality to me focuses more on making other people feel good. A charming person has a purpose to make themselves feel good. Even if what they say is a nice thing to you they are saying it to get you to like them and do something for them. It is not sincere and that might be why you say a magnetic personality can also make you feel bad but I think there is a difference.
To me a magnetic personality is someone who fills a room when they walk into it... their energy and the force of it just exude from them

It's a wonderful phenomenon to watch... it could also be someone whose charm is just that great that everyone gravitates to them... they have a wonderful upbeat personality that attracts everyone.