Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 07:12 am
timberlandko wrote:
"THE GOOD OLD DAYS" - The Holocaust as Seen by Its Perpetrators and Bystanders: Klee, E., Dressen, W., and Riess, V. (Eds)
S. Fischer Verlag GMBH, Fankfurt am Main, Germany (1988)
Eng. Translation: Burnstone, D.
Konecky & Konecky, Old Saybrook, Ct (1991)
ISBN: 1568521332

From Sir H. T. Roper's Foreword:
This is a horrible book to read, and yet one that should be read - not in order to revive old enmities (after all, it has been compiled by Germans and published in Germany), but in order that we do not forget the most somber lesson of the Second World War; the fragility of civilization, the ease and speed with which, in certain circumstances, barbarism can break through that thin crust and even, if backed by power and sanctified by doctrine, be accepted as the norm.

The book's title derives from the cover of a private scrapbook kept by SS-Untersturmführer Kurt Franz (Jan 17, 1914 - July 4, 1998), a cook by trade, heinous murderer by military vocation, who's reprehensible military carreer included a stint as Vice Commandant of the Treblinka extermination camp. Drawn from interviews, personal diaries and letters, published and unpublished memoirs, court transcripts, and official documents, this is one of, if not absolutely, the most chilling works of non-fiction ever produced. There is no editorial commentary, no opinionating, no explanatory narrative, just the actual words of those, perpetrators, victims, and witnesses, who "were there", along with diagrams, illustrations and photos which further drive home the all but unimaginable horror so clearly delivered by the text. Some books are page-turners, compelling the reader to "find out what happens next". This one, despite there being no question of what happened, is no less a page-turner, while at the same time being a heart-wrenching stomach-turner as well. Strong stuff.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 11:30 am
Re: so
Lekatt wrote:
dalahow2 wrote:
If Holocaust ever happened.........and I am sad about it(if at all it happened).........that is..Then you should all be be saddened by the events happening in the world today...Unneccesary killing of people..destruction of properties..No wonder some people are arming themselves...

Who in this world wants to loose his kid...mother or families...?

There is no doubt the holocaust happened. There are documents showing Hitler ordered it. Go to Ebay and look at the WWII material. You can buy hundreds of pictures of the holocaust. I personally knew soldiers coming home from the war who saw it, and it made them sick.

Anyone who doubts the holocaust needs to study history.

Can you please point us to the site that has these documents. We didn't know that such documents existed.
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 07:04 pm
Re: so
Mindonfire wrote:
Lekatt wrote:
dalahow2 wrote:
If Holocaust ever happened.........and I am sad about it(if at all it happened).........that is..Then you should all be be saddened by the events happening in the world today...Unneccesary killing of people..destruction of properties..No wonder some people are arming themselves...

Who in this world wants to loose his kid...mother or families...?

There is no doubt the holocaust happened. There are documents showing Hitler ordered it. Go to Ebay and look at the WWII material. You can buy hundreds of pictures of the holocaust. I personally knew soldiers coming home from the war who saw it, and it made them sick.

Anyone who doubts the holocaust needs to study history.

Can you please point us to the site that has these documents. We didn't know that such documents existed.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 07:25 pm
Re: so
Mindonfire wrote:
Lekatt wrote:
There is no doubt the holocaust happened. There are documents showing Hitler ordered it.
Anyone who doubts the holocaust needs to study history.

Can you please point us to the site that has these documents. We didn't know that such documents existed.

HERE, should anyone care to make the effort, may be accessed several tens of thousands of relevant pages ... no fee or registration required.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 08:15 pm
Re: so
timberlandko wrote:
Mindonfire wrote:
Lekatt wrote:
There is no doubt the holocaust happened. There are documents showing Hitler ordered it.
Anyone who doubts the holocaust needs to study history.

Can you please point us to the site that has these documents. We didn't know that such documents existed.

HERE, should anyone care to make the effort, may be accessed several tens of thousands of relevant pages ... no fee or registration required.

Where are the documents which explicitly show that Hitler ordered the holocaust? That is what we are searching for.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 08:51 pm
Via that portal is available overwhelming, incontravertable documentary evidence of the Holocaust, among which are reams of documentation disclosing, confirming, and verifying Hitler's direct, central, foundational, consciously and knowingly directorial role in its conception, inception, and execution ... as was said - for those who care to take the effort.

Now, if you're being so silly as to say you'd like to see an order or letter or something of the like over Hitler's signature that says "Now Kill the Jews", then you obviously would prefer to play games than to deal with history. While I have nothing against silly games - enjoy 'em sometimes, even - the notion of any attempt to incorporate The Holocaust into a silly game is only slightly less disgustingly reprehensible than was The Holocaust itself. Any as would undertake such are a disgrace and embarrassment to humankind.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 09:18 pm
Re: so
Mindonfire wrote:
. . . Where are the documents which explicitly show that Hitler ordered the holocaust? That is what we are searching for.
Now I am beginning to see your agenda, Mindy. I had hoped for better.
0 Replies
Merry Andrew
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 09:30 pm
Re: so
neologist wrote:
Mindonfire wrote:
. . . Where are the documents which explicitly show that Hitler ordered the holocaust? That is what we are searching for.
Now I am beginning to see your agenda, Mindy. I had hoped for better.

Why would you hope for better, Neo? Mindy's use of the editorial 'we' is a sure-fire tipoff of the kinds of groups he probably identifies with. Sieg Heil, Mindon.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 09:45 pm
"...fanaticism and ignorance is forever busy and needs feeding. And soon, with banners flying and drums beating we'll be marching backward, BACKWARD..." From Inherit the Wind

<shakes his head and walks away disgusted>
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 12:00 am
timberlandko wrote:
Via that portal is available overwhelming, incontravertable documentary evidence of the Holocaust, among which are reams of documentation disclosing, confirming, and verifying Hitler's direct, central, foundational, consciously and knowingly directorial role in its conception, inception, and execution ... as was said - for those who care to take the effort.

Now, if you're being so silly as to say you'd like to see an order or letter or something of the like over Hitler's signature that says "Now Kill the Jews", then you obviously would prefer to play games than to deal with history. While I have nothing against silly games - enjoy 'em sometimes, even - the notion of any attempt to incorporate The Holocaust into a silly game is only slightly less disgustingly reprehensible than was The Holocaust itself. Any as would undertake such are a disgrace and embarrassment to humankind.

No one is playing games. We just have a problem with the hypocrisy of your world. Hitler is held directly responsible for the Holocaust even though there is no direct documentation which states that he ordered it. While others are not held up to the same standards. Just as long as you all deem it necessary it is accepted. The only reason you all choose to vilify him now is because he failed. Spare us with your holocaust tales. Where were you all for Ruwanda, Sudan, Chechnyia etc... There is holocaust going on all around your world that you all don't care about. But the one that is done and finished is the one that you all want to continue to harp about. Spare us you self-serving hypocrites.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 12:36 am
You are game playing, mindy, and ineptly at that. You attempt to divorce Hitler the Man from the personality cult government formed, headed, and in minute detail directed by Hitler - can't be done, any more than you can take Allah separately from Islam, Christ from Christianity, Yaweh from Judaism or sugar and flour from cake.

The hypocracy is yours, for attempting so base and transparent a ploy in effort to forward your agenda, and in your straw man allusion to what you falsely characterize unheeded contemporary ills throughout the world. The War on Terrorism is in one way like any other war; it is fought campaign by campaign, battle by battle, engagement by engagement. Characteristic of, component to, every one of your examples, is armed, militant Religious Fundamentalism (chiefly, but not exclusively, of the Islamic flavor); that is the enemy confronting civilization, and The War on Terrorism will be fought untill that enemy no longer has the will, the means, or the ability to wage war against Civilization.

Now, don't get me wrong here - I'm not broad-brushing guilt for all the strife in the world on religion in general nor on Islam in particular, but I will observe there is risen from Islam those who propose and with violence seek to effect a personality cult form of government - based not on a specific individual person, but rather on a twisted, despotic vision of a mythic personality; the Allah of Jihad and Shari'a.

If you were to take your vile agenda and its attendent hate, ignorance and prejudice elsewhere, I doubt many here would count its absence a loss.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 12:39 am

You disappoint us. As the foremost proponent of word games in this forum I think you might at least have responded to Timber with a mind-numbing display of words ending in "ation". Smile

Nobody here is denying that atrocities have occurred elsewhere in the world. Two "wrongs" never make a "right". However the "wrong" of "the [/i]Holocaust" denial refers to a specific historical incident involving many groups of people whom the Nazis tried to systematically exterminate with ruthless efficiency. Two solid hours of concentration camp footage was shown at the Nuremberg trials during which many of the Press had to leave the room. Goering's signature on "the Final Solution Order" sealed the fate of the Nazi defendants who shielded their eyes during the film. One person missing from the dock was perhaps the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who was the Palestinian leader who collaborated with Hitler at the time and allegedly intervened to prevent the rescue of 5000 Jewish children by the Red Cross.

Dalahow2 needs to study the facts....but doctrine is a most effective blindfold for him, a truth well exploited by religious autocrats.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 01:49 am
Re: so
Mindonfire wrote:
timberlandko wrote:
Mindonfire wrote:
Lekatt wrote:
There is no doubt the holocaust happened. There are documents showing Hitler ordered it.
Anyone who doubts the holocaust needs to study history.

Can you please point us to the site that has these documents. We didn't know that such documents existed.

HERE, should anyone care to make the effort, may be accessed several tens of thousands of relevant pages ... no fee or registration required.

Where are the documents which explicitly show that Hitler ordered the holocaust? That is what we are searching for.

What do you think, mindonfire? That Hitler didn't KNOW about it? He rules the country for more then ten years, he hates jews (as becomes apparent in Mein Kampf) but he never ordered the construction
of the workcamps and the transports of the jews by railway? Some enterprising Nazi politician decided to get creative and do this all on his own?.
All the elements are there. A passionate racist as a leader, the Nazi ideology, which Hitler helped propagate, in which 'lesser races', including the jews, should be controlled and forced to labor for the third reich,
the construction of work camps which incidentally not only held jews and gipsys, but also political insurgents against the Nazi regime and one of the largest administrative projects up till that time in Europe (to locate all unwanted individuals and arrange for transport to the workcamps).
But still people say. "That is not relevant, we need a document in which this and this is ordered by that and that, and until such time, this is debatable."

And suppose we come up with those documents, what's next? Do you think all those people who deny the existence of a Holocaust are suddenly swayed? They'll just claim it's a forgery. Even if we could provide pictures of Hitler in the camps, they'd still deny it. Their stance is not based on a rational point of view, but rather on an interpretation of history they need to be true in order to feel comfortable in their own belief structure.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 02:23 am

In a culture where religious mythology takes precedence over fact then the intellectual mechanisms for dealing with historical manipulation have been blunted. We need only to look at Christian fundamentalism to see how rationality with respect to the Earth's origins can completely break down. Rational debate is foreign territory to those who hold doctrine to be paramount. The problem is that the futility of their simplistic arguments leads to frustration and hostility. In this respect, Zionists who make religious claims to land rights as as bad as their Islamic counterparts.
Most moderate Israelis do not make such claims and yearn to live in peace with their Arab neighbours. The land-rights issue can only be solved by negotiation and mutual concession, not by dogma cynically fuelled by outside agents such as Iran.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 04:41 am
Re: Lebanon and Palestinian example is never a holocaust
dalahow2 wrote:

and I think you should advise all people that killing lebanese and palestinians is not another "Holocaust"....This is just "War on Terror" as some fellas would like us to claim...

Killing...mutilating and bombing people in Iraq....afghanistan...In palestine is just another "war on Terror"...is not equivalent of the Holocaust, you mean????

If Israel had shown the same incompetence at protecting its own civilian population as Lebanon did, there would have been tens of thousands of Israeli civilian deaths from the ball-bearing bombs on those katyusha rockets.

If Israel had fought the affair by the same rules the hezbullies use, there would have been a million or more leb casualties.

"Palestinians" are basically saveges; any nation on the planet other than Israel would have exterminated them by now for their evil thoughts, their evil deeds, and their evil natures.

Islam is a phony religion and Muhammed was a phony "prophet" who is presently burning in hell in that part of hell reserved for pigs and hogs who lead bad lives.



The last real prophet died around 2500 years ago around the time of Zechariah and that is provable. Prophecy, i.e. the use of the human mind according to an ancient paradigm which is no longer possible to try to communicate with spirits, was part and parcel of a group of phenomena including oracles, prophets, familiar spirits, and idolatry which all stopped working prior to the time of Alexander. The only remaining vestages of that ancient paradigm in our present world are hypnotism and schizophrenia.

The best book on the subject is still Julian Jaynes' "Origins of Consciousness".

Buy a copy, read it and educate yourself, and get your ass out of I-slam and slammism.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 05:13 am
fresco wrote:

In a culture where religious mythology takes precedence over fact then the intellectual mechanisms for dealing with historical manipulation have been blunted. We need only to look at Christian fundamentalism to see how rationality with respect to the Earth's origins can completely break down. Rational debate is foreign territory to those who hold doctrine to be paramount. The problem is that the futility of their simplistic arguments leads to frustration and hostility. In this respect, Zionists who make religious claims to land rights as as bad as their Islamic counterparts.
Most moderate Israelis do not make such claims and yearn to live in peace with their Arab neighbours. The land-rights issue can only be solved by negotiation and mutual concession, not by dogma cynically fuelled by outside agents such as Iran.

Good points, but I am not talking about the Israeli/Palstina conflict here.
I for one think the Holocaust issue should be kept far from those discussions, since they serve no other purpose then to inflame those who think it is unjustly used by Israel to gain privileges otherwise not earned.
My post is more aimed against the up and coming surge of racists and fascists in Europe (and probably America as well). Because if you deny enough of the more brutal aspects of the fascist regime of Nazi Germany, what is left behind is a picture of a system that can be enticing to many, since it seems to work and leaves no room for those of different race or culture some people feel threatened by.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 07:46 am
Re: so
neologist wrote:
Mindonfire wrote:
. . . Where are the documents which explicitly show that Hitler ordered the holocaust? That is what we are searching for.
Now I am beginning to see your agenda, Mindy. I had hoped for better.

We have seen your agenda from the Start.

Matthew 23:27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead [men's] bones, and of all uncleanness.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 08:02 am
timberlandko wrote:
You are game playing, mindy, and ineptly at that. You attempt to divorce Hitler the Man from the personality cult government formed, headed, and in minute detail directed by Hitler - can't be done, any more than you can take Allah separately from Islam, Christ from Christianity, Yaweh from Judaism or sugar and flour from cake.

The hypocracy is yours, for attempting so base and transparent a ploy in effort to forward your agenda, and in your straw man allusion to what you falsely characterize unheeded contemporary ills throughout the world. The War on Terrorism is in one way like any other war; it is fought campaign by campaign, battle by battle, engagement by engagement. Characteristic of, component to, every one of your examples, is armed, militant Religious Fundamentalism (chiefly, but not exclusively, of the Islamic flavor); that is the enemy confronting civilization, and The War on Terrorism will be fought untill that enemy no longer has the will, the means, or the ability to wage war against Civilization.

Now, don't get me wrong here - I'm not broad-brushing guilt for all the strife in the world on religion in general nor on Islam in particular, but I will observe there is risen from Islam those who propose and with violence seek to effect a personality cult form of government - based not on a specific individual person, but rather on a twisted, despotic vision of a mythic personality; the Allah of Jihad and Shari'a.

If you were to take your vile agenda and its attendent hate, ignorance and prejudice elsewhere, I doubt many here would count its absence a loss.

LOL The more you speak the more foolish you sound. The same thing that you have accused us of doing is the same thing that you are currently doing. The Jews were considerd to be terrorist by Hitler. They were considered by him as enemies. They were part of his war. But it was not okay for him to kill them, but it is okay for you to kill Muslims. It was not okay for Hitler to kill people who he percieved to be his enemy, but it is okay for you all to.

LOL The more things change the more they stay the same. You all in your self righteousness and your so-called righteous wars. You are no different than him. Spare us oh blind and brainwashed one. Spare us your type of righteousness. You all who have used nuclear weapons against humanity, twice in a war. You all just continue to sit in your corrupted seats of self-righteousness. In your delusional states you are unable to make sound and correct decisions.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 08:07 am
Mindonfire wrote:
timberlandko wrote:
Via that portal is available overwhelming, incontravertable documentary evidence of the Holocaust, among which are reams of documentation disclosing, confirming, and verifying Hitler's direct, central, foundational, consciously and knowingly directorial role in its conception, inception, and execution ... as was said - for those who care to take the effort.

Now, if you're being so silly as to say you'd like to see an order or letter or something of the like over Hitler's signature that says "Now Kill the Jews", then you obviously would prefer to play games than to deal with history. While I have nothing against silly games - enjoy 'em sometimes, even - the notion of any attempt to incorporate The Holocaust into a silly game is only slightly less disgustingly reprehensible than was The Holocaust itself. Any as would undertake such are a disgrace and embarrassment to humankind.

No one is playing games. We just have a problem with the hypocrisy of your world. Hitler is held directly responsible for the Holocaust even though there is no direct documentation which states that he ordered it. While others are not held up to the same standards. Just as long as you all deem it necessary it is accepted. The only reason you all choose to vilify him now is because he failed. Spare us with your holocaust tales. Where were you all for Ruwanda, Sudan, Chechnyia etc... There is holocaust going on all around your world that you all don't care about. But the one that is done and finished is the one that you all want to continue to harp about. Spare us you self-serving hypocrites.

Whether Hitler ordered the mass extinction called the Holocaust, and whether or not we are "harping" about it are logically two separate issues. You hate Jews. Leave it at that.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 08:12 am
fresco wrote:

You disappoint us. As the foremost proponent of word games in this forum I think you might at least have responded to Timber with a mind-numbing display of words ending in "ation". Smile

Nobody here is denying that atrocities have occurred elsewhere in the world. Two "wrongs" never make a "right". However the "wrong" of "the [/i]Holocaust" denial refers to a specific historical incident involving many groups of people whom the Nazis tried to systematically exterminate with ruthless efficiency. Two solid hours of concentration camp footage was shown at the Nuremberg trials during which many of the Press had to leave the room. Goering's signature on "the Final Solution Order" sealed the fate of the Nazi defendants who shielded their eyes during the film. One person missing from the dock was perhaps the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who was the Palestinian leader who collaborated with Hitler at the time and allegedly intervened to prevent the rescue of 5000 Jewish children by the Red Cross.

Dalahow2 needs to study the facts....but doctrine is a most effective blindfold for him, a truth well exploited by religious autocrats.

No one has denied anything. We just asked a simple question. Where is the document where Hitler explicitly orders the Holocaust. He never explicitly ordered. Maybe when you all wake up from your delusional sleep you will wisen up.

LoL what does the Palestian Leader have to do with this. LOL Hitler loves you guys. Once again another student who pretends not to be. Now, why are you bringing up a Palestinian leader during this conversation? Oh let us guess. Maybe we will not. We will continue to let you think that you are different from Hitler. But once again by you conversation you shew that you are not.
0 Replies

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