Re: Funner vs More Fun
SCoates wrote:Why is "funner" incorrect?
I'm not too fond of rules for the sake of rules. I prefer logical rules. Can anyone tell me why, logically, reasonably, empirically, "funner" should not be used?
It isn't incorrect, SCoates, it's simply unusual. Using 'fun' as a verb is also quite unusual save for "I'm just funning ya". We don't say, "I funned her"; "I often fun them".
Some collocations just aren't used much but as you noted that doesn't make them illogical.
M-W online:
Main Entry: 3fun
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): sometimes fun·ner sometimes fun·nest
1 : providing entertainment, amusement, or enjoyment <a> <a>
2 : full of fun : PLEASANT <a> <have>
USAGE NOTE: The use of fun as an attributive adjective, as in a fun time, a fun place, probably originated in a playful reanalysis of the use of the word in sentences such as It is fun to ski, where fun has the syntactic function of adjectives such as amusing or enjoyable. The usage became popular in the 1950s and 1960s, though there is some evidence to suggest that it has 19th-century antecedents, but it can still raise eyebrows among traditionalists. The day may come when this usage is entirely unremarkable, but writers may want to avoid it in more formal contexts.
These traditionalists have little concept of how language changes so they're always usually two or three generations [often much more] behind on how language works.