neologist wrote:RexRed wrote:EpiNirvana wrote:i say its pretty offensive to tell some teenage, who is already confused enough about this, that they have a serious problem that that an afront to god.
Silence of the lambs.
No sin is any worse than any other and all sin is an affront to God. The proper perspective is that some behaviors are sinful.
Rex, you are really devoted to this. What would you do if you suddenly discovered you had been acting in error?
Then I would continue in my error and God will have to live with it like I have had to. I spent many years on the fence torturing myself. I cannot express what it is like being torn, Every time I tried to change, I failed, like I have it stronger than most. I will never try or be able to try again.
At any point in this conversation you could be barraged with too much private information. You don't want to know and you can never understand this lifestyle unless you are touched with it. Very few choose to be gay, would you choose it considering what gay people are faced with?.
Like the errant preacher preaching about the evils of alcohol to a drunk. The drunk knows more about the evils of alcohol than the preacher will ever know. The drunk is searching for peace with God... in every sip.
And God cries when we grieve and God is joyful when we are happy.
The thief comes to steal the liberty of the word, kill the walk of love and destroy the hope of Christ Jesus' return.
God will cleanse me at the "BEMA" (finish line) [rewards not judgement]. If I have any impurities he can rid them out if he so desires. Yet it is my hope that he will honor my love because I have been an example of a moderate and kind gay person, I have run a good race. Considering how I have been inflicted by peoples hate I have lived with concern and reverence for God. I do not consider my homosexuality a curse, only when others are un-accepting of me then their hatred becomes my nemesis. Yet my homosexuality is not a burden but a place of love and harmony and acceptance within me. It is also a place where God is.
I hope this is not TMI (too much information).
As a youngster in grammar school I had all five of the smartest and prettiest girls in the whole school that sat around my desk in every period for several years. We were all A/B students.
The boys really sometimes loathed me because the pretty/smart girls were my good friends (they trusted me). All the girls liked me, even the bully girls eventually became my best friends too. We would play jump rope, tag and patty-cakes when the other boys were too afraid to even walk up to a girl and say, "Hi." The boys would get all red faced and flustered. In sports I would be the "only" guy on the girls team. I am athletic and with me on their team they would more often win against the boys. I was nice to "all" of the girls.
Most people (even homosexuals) do not suspect or consider that I am gay. I would have to gel my hair up like a bird, don an earing in the wrong ear and wear all pink for someone to figure it out.