Hi Viz:
Looks like there's going to be a mini Boston bash. This will be the first I've gone to. I'm really looking forward to it. Glad you and Liberty hooked up.
I'd read such a list a few years ago in the Boston Glob.
They theorized that the reason Boston isn't on the list is that, yeah, we do have our fair share of bent metal, but the Boston streets are so crowded that no one can get up to speed to have a fatality at an intersection.
Viz, I forgot to peek in there, didn't I? Well I'll just have to go back to take a look (and try that lemon chicken).
SealPoet, my bro-in-law used to live in Boston and refused to drive there -- he said it was much easier to either walk or take public transport.
Well, I've driven in Boston, and you guys are speed demons! And your streets aren't straight, either. How you can make those 120 degree turns at 65mph..and LIVE...is beyond me!
Hey, I'm still alive. But then I've made a habit of owning cars that don't go all that fast.
The Big Dig as you all may know is currently the country's biggest civil engineering project (flaying to Europe last week I sat next to a man who had been pulled off of the Big Dig project and reassigned... to rebuild Iraq). Anyway... brand new tunnels under the city. They opened up the northbound portion a month ago and have already had one fatality and one tie-up-the-traffic-for half-a-day truck wreck... Cause? Speed!
And now the State Police are having to close down an exit ramp every once and a while to run a speed trap.
Wonder what else they've forgotten...
'flaying'? Proofread, then post. Not other way around.
Hey SealPoet give yourself a break. If you were perfect you wouldn't be human. Welcome to the human race.