Tue 27 May, 2003 06:00 am
I have been posting the Fine-Tuning threads for about a month. There have been very few responses, so I'm wondering whether I should continue posting them.
Perhaps there's something you would like me to change about them.
I'd appreciate some feedback.
I like them!

I don't usually comment because the info given is usually pretty straight forward but I have seen some good tips listed.. Maybe people see them as more of a "reference" type thing so there in't much to discuss??? A "it is what it is" kind of thingy. ????
I enjoy the Fine-Tuning threads, and would hate to see them stop. I've posted on only a few of them, but I've read all of them with interest. Sometimes, when my mind wanders at work, I even find myself wondering what the next Fine-Tuning topic will be. (I wouldn't admit that to too many people, but I suspect I'm speaking to a like-minded audience here.) There must be dozens more topics like this that we could explore, and I hope we continue to do so.

I definitely like them! They class up the place.
Thanks for the responses. Phoenix, you're right. We all need some kind of feedback. I'm glad that you're reading them and that you find them helpful.
Bree, the next one will be here shortly. Any guesses?
macsm, I haven't forgotten your request for info about reflexive pronouns. I haven't been able to find an explanation that's clear enough for me to extrapolate. I contacted an expert earlier today. We'll see if he comes up with something I think will be helpful.
Sozobe, They class up the jernt? LOL.
Oh, the pressure of being asked to predict what the next Fine-Tuning topic will be!
Well, let's see; we haven't had misplaced modifiers yet, have we? Which raises the question(s): are misplaced modifiers and dangling participles the same thing, or is one a subset of the other? And where do dangling modifiers fit into the picture?
I for one am on tenterhooks, waiting for the explanation.
ohmy, I can't stand it, don't even think of stopping, just because i don't post doesn't mean I don't care, yadayada, but in this case it is true, I never wrote a paragraph to you about how much I value these....and yipes, now that I absolutely treasure them you are asking if we want them to continue. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
absolutely, please, if you would.
bree, misplaced modifiers and dangling participles are different things. Neither will be up next. If you're interested in such things, I'll add them to my list. However, I will have to do a bit of hunting around. It's one thing to know what something is and to recognize it when you see it. It's quite another to explain it in a way that's understandable.
I appreciate all the positive responses. It was not my intention to sound needy. I just wanted to know if I was talking to myself (and Walter). Glad I've got readers, if not responders. Thanks.
The thing is, Roberta, when you're right then any response would be superfluous. The only times I'd post to a fine thread like that would be if (1) I disagreed with something you said (see your Fine-Tuning #9--quotation marks) or (2) if I felt something needed amplification.
You're doing a terrific job and providing a real service. Please keep it up.
Thanks for your kind words, Andy. I've already continued. And I've responded to your most welcome comments re Fine-Tuning 9.
As a foreigner, I highly appreciate your contribution to my culture of speech and writing. I would feel sorry if the "Fine Tunings" disappear.
Steissd, I'm glad you appreciate them. They won't be disappearing. The poll results are positive--12 yeses and 3 nos, so far.
Good! I enjoy them very much, even if I don't always post.
I do understand about wondering whether your topics are worthwhile. Take a look at Poetry sometime.

I'm mostly talking to myself.
Hiya Piff, I took a look at poetry. There are some very active threads there. And then there are those in which you're talking to yourself.
Sorry I didn't post anything. I would have if I'd had something to say. In the past, not having anything to say would not have stopped me from saying something. But I've reformed. Well, I'm working on it.