" If it wasn't for your brave fighter pilots and army with a few Yanks mixed in.......you'd be wearing swastikas and clicking your heels with that psycho who hopefully shot himself in the Bunker in Berlin."
Excellent post Rayban thanks.
You say "hopefully shot himself"...is there some doubt? Did he escape first to S America and then Texas perhaps?
gotta go now have some black leather to polish for inspection..
When I say the war in Iraq is unwinnable, I'm just stating an opinion. I dont see how it is retrievable. It gives me no pleasure at all that every day 20 50 5 15 people are blown to pieces, if that's what you're thinking. The fact that Blatham and I occasionally shed some light on a particularly dark and depressing situation might become clearer to you if you took off the sunglasses. My father was an RAF officer. Once as a petulant teenager I called him a fascist, he reminded me of that fact. I didn't try that trick again.
As for Blair, I'm a member of the Labour party and a long time supporter of Tony Blair. But just because I support the man does not mean he can do no wrong, and misleading the country over the real reasons for invading Iraq, that is going to war on a false prospectus, was a big wrong.
However, the election results last night have been quite satisfactory all round. The conservatives have done just well enough to lull them into a false sense of security, i.e. it will stave off the reforms they need to go through if they ever hope to form a govt. and will keep them in opposition. The LibDems took a principled stance over the war and were rewarded under our system with a small pat on the back. Meanwhile Labour form the next govt. with a perfectly workable majority of about 70 seats, Blair will have an historic 3rd Labour term of office, yet the electorate has given him a sharp slap on the wrist over Iraq. Thats done, we can move on...and hopefully out of that benighted country.
As I said, inspection parade soon...