40 years of bad bad road for the lunatic fringe.

Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 09:50 am
Brandon wrote:

I meant prior to the present events.

Oh my...how very gross of us to be addressing what you actually wrote rather than what you meant.

What a chowderhead!

Now, I repeat - name one country that legally recognized gay marriage prior to 10 years ago. I defy you to list even one. Being right doesn't imply stupidity or craziness.

No...but insisting you are right when you are obviously wrong, wrong, wrong....does!

Most of you liberals...

I am not a liberal...never have been one...never will be one.

One does not have to be a liberal to see American conservatism for the hypocritical pile of shyt that it is.

... appear incapable of debating without a lot of very undignified attempts to win by impeaching the opposing poster's character. It doesn't reflect well on the viewpoints you represent.

Your instance that you are right in the face of you being obviously wrong...doesn't reflect very well on you...or the viewpoints your represent either, Brandon.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 10:04 am
If I really wanted to drive Brandon nuts, I could have gone back to Greek history and document the homosexual relationships common in the ancient times.

But then, sly Brandon would have set his time perameters as between 1900 and 2006.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 10:08 am
Are you planning to document the fall of Sodom and ancient greek civilization?
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Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 10:10 am
cjhsa wrote:
Are you planning to document the fall of Sodom and ancient greek civilization?

Last time I looked, Greece and it's civilization is still there. In fact, we got a wonderful review during the 2005 Olympics.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 10:13 am
Do the still rule the world? I guess I missed something.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 11:53 am
cjhsa wrote:
Do the still rule the world?

Did they ever???????????????????

I guess I missed something.

History classes, perhaps???
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 11:55 am
alexis2k wrote:
Hate to burst your bubble but kuvasz didn't say Carter immediately followed Nixon. If you are going to fact check, try learning the language first. Ford, Carter, Reagan, GHW Bush, Clinton, GW Bush all followed Nixon.

Let's recap:





and now



Did I forget any of your alters?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 11:56 am
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
If I really wanted to drive Brandon nuts...

I'm going to assume you are not a golfer, BBB...or you would know the difference between a "drive" and a "short pitch."

Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 11:58 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
cjhsa wrote:
Do the still rule the world?

Did they ever???????????????????

I guess I missed something.

History classes, perhaps???

Certainly at one time in history Greece ruled the world. Maybe not with an iron fist but with the global reach of its knowledge. Guess you forgot something.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 12:12 pm
cjhsa wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
cjhsa wrote:
Do the still rule the world?

Did they ever???????????????????

I guess I missed something.

History classes, perhaps???

Certainly at one time in history Greece ruled the world. Maybe not with an iron fist but with the global reach of its knowledge. Guess you forgot something.

Greece never "ruled the world." It simply was not that kind of society. You might say that Rome ruled the world (the known world)...and get points for that. You might even say that Alexander (King of Macedonia) conquered most of the known world.

But to say that Greece ruled the world shows a profound misunderstanding of history. To insist on it after the mistake has been called to your attention...is to show a profound ignorance in general.

If you want to discuss this more, I am certainly willing to accommodate you.

I guess we owe thanks to the lunatic fringe for doing as much as possible to help this thread prove itself.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 12:16 pm
cjhsa wrote:
Apparently the loonie left considers taking it up the rear "depth of knowledge".

Apparently all the Right Wingers can think about when homosexaul marrige is discussed is sodomy. I would venture from such obvious obsession that you show about it that anal intercourse is an important feature of your own marriage. But one wonders, are you the bottom or the top?

At present, same-sex marriages are recognized in the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, and the U.S. state of Massachusetts for same-sex marriages performed within that state under its laws.
On December 1, 2005, South Africa's Constitutional Court extended marriage to include same-sex couples. The court mandated that changes go into effect by the end of 2006.

Civil unions, domestic partnerships, and other legal recognitions of same-sex couples which offer varying amounts of the benefits of marriage are available in: Andorra, Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Israel, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom; the Australian states of New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania and Western Australia; and the U.S. states of California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, New Jersey, Vermont, and the U.S. capital of Washington, D.C.. The first same-sex union in modern history with government recognition was obtained in Denmark in 1989

I think frank apisa (golf clap, young man!) dealt directly with the lunatic antics of our resident homophobe and bumblebee with the details of what Sweden did over ten years ago (cheers, dear lady)

But more important it appears from time to time that the ugly core of conservatives is riped open and seething beneath the surface of their outward appearance of civility is a snarling and oozing mess of fear of the unknown. doutless brandon can tumesce in the presence of his sweetie and pleasure her without worrrying about the affect homosexual anal intercourse or fellatio has upon his duties as a husband or boy friend.

It is just that he thinks such behavior is scary and wrong, and his Bible tells him so. And like anyone in arrested adolescence who remains in the intellectual and emotional state of someone at the ages of 7-14 he kowtows to the cultural rules with which he was indoctrinated. But, there are those of us who as we mature into adults move on and begin asking questions about the cultural rules by which we humans live; questions about whether the present circumstances demand a re-examination of age old social habits. Such a re-examination of the state of being of all humans was behind the push for the abolition of slavery, and which Jesus himself did not question its right to exist.

As I stated earlier, the rhetorical battle from our Right Wing friends over homosexual behavior and marriage has the same tint that the anti-abolitionists of th 19th century had, and it is doubtless that had they lived then they would have said that since slavery had existed for thousands of years and was not proscribed in the Bible, thus it too was okay.

and Tico if you are going about busting chops you might instead of illustrating your sexual fascination with another person's avatars instead point out that the poster erroneously cited me for a post actually done by Dys, because that cigar you're avatar is sucking on, well it ain't a cigar in your hands.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 12:20 pm
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
If I really wanted to drive Brandon nuts, I could have gone back to Greek history and document the homosexual relationships common in the ancient times.

But then, sly Brandon would have set his time perameters as between 1900 and 2006.


Go ahead and use ancient Greece if you want, but show me evidence that the government legally recognized gay marriage ceremonies.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 12:28 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Brandon wrote:

I meant prior to the present events.

Oh my...how very gross of us to be addressing what you actually wrote rather than what you meant.

What a chowderhead!

Now, I repeat - name one country that legally recognized gay marriage prior to 10 years ago. I defy you to list even one. Being right doesn't imply stupidity or craziness.

No...but insisting you are right when you are obviously wrong, wrong, wrong....does!

Most of you liberals...

I am not a liberal...never have been one...never will be one.

One does not have to be a liberal to see American conservatism for the hypocritical pile of shyt that it is.

... appear incapable of debating without a lot of very undignified attempts to win by impeaching the opposing poster's character. It doesn't reflect well on the viewpoints you represent.

Your instance that you are right in the face of you being obviously wrong...doesn't reflect very well on you...or the viewpoints your represent either, Brandon.

Your basic problem in this discussion is to appear to beat me in an argument without ever participating in the argument. If you actually address the point of my post, you will lose, and you know it. You are using the time honored A2K liberal technique of finding some statement in your opponent's post which has nothing to do with the argument, but which can be made out to be technically incorrect, and then insisting over and over again that your oponent didn't mean what he says that he meant, while scrupulously avoiding discussing the actual argument.

It is obvious that neither you, nor anyone else here can cite even one single instance in history in which a government recognized gay marriages. I will take your failure to give an example as a forfeit by you and the others, all of your attempts to distract, and obfuscate notwithstanding.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 12:38 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
I will take your failure to give an example as a forfeit by you and the others, all of your attempts to distract, and obfuscate notwithstanding.

Yes, Yes quite right, and the 1,000's of no response, ignore and seque's bandied about by the right wing-nuts is also indicative of forfeiture.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 12:56 pm
dyslexia wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
I will take your failure to give an example as a forfeit by you and the others, all of your attempts to distract, and obfuscate notwithstanding.

Yes, Yes quite right, and the 1,000's of no response, ignore and seque's bandied about by the right wing-nuts is also indicative of forfeiture.

You cannot prove yourself or your friends right in this case, by citing other cases in which my friends were wrong. It's a different discussion, and it says a lot about you that you'd try to win with a distraction. I have asked for a single citation of a government in history which recognized gay marriage before the current period, and I have received in return attempts to distract, and speculations about my likely intelligence, etc., which are the staple of people who make a practice of trying to cheat in debate.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 01:08 pm
cjhsa wrote:
Certainly at one time in history Greece ruled the world.

Only if you consider Europe - and a rather limited part of Europe at that - to be "the world".
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 01:19 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
but which can be made out to be technically incorrect

"which can be made out to be technically incorrect"? <frowns>

You wrote, " there has never been a place or time where the government legally recognized gay marriage", right?

That is not something that "can be made out to be technically incorrect" - it simply is false - and blatantly so. A quick look on any reference page would have sufficed to see that several countries do exactly that.

Whats the deal with this? At least have the spine to acknowledge that you said something wrong. This wiggling around trying to make it look like only some tricky insinuator could have "made it out to be" incorrect, when the mistake is there for all to see, just makes you look like a coward.

Admit your fault and move on.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 01:34 pm
Re: 40 years of bad bad road for the lunatic fringe.
dyslexia wrote:
For the past 40 years the lunatic christian right has had an agenda, 1. erase Roe v Wade 2. return prayer to the classroom and 3. prevent gay rights.
The lunatics continue to lose on all points over and over again.

I've got maybe three or four significant issues with the republican party, in something like this order:

  • The "War on Drugs"
  • NWO/skull-crossbones/globalist crap
  • "Right-2-Life(TM)"

I said three or four; that's three and I'd have to think about whether there was really anything else.

In the case of NWO/Globalism, the two parties offer little to choose from, with the populist wing of the pubbies offering the only glimmer of hope.

In the case of Roe/Wade, worst possible case, the ruling is overturned, the decision goes back to the states, and some woman in Oklahoma who has to fly to NY more than once for abortions might have to decide whether or not she'd be better off staying in NY and living there.

By way of contrast, pretty much everything the dems have done or even thought about doing over the last 30 years is some sort of a problem. It's not even close.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 01:35 pm
nimh wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
but which can be made out to be technically incorrect

"which can be made out to be technically incorrect"? <frowns>

You wrote, " there has never been a place or time where the government legally recognized gay marriage", right?

That is not something that "can be made out to be technically incorrect" - it simply is false - and blatantly so. A quick look on any reference page would have sufficed to see that several countries do exactly that.

Whats the deal with this? At least have the spine to acknowledge that you said something wrong. This wiggling around trying to make it look like only some tricky insinuator could have "made it out to be" incorrect, when the mistake is there for all to see, just makes you look like a coward.

Admit your fault and move on.

It was my intention to indicate that there has never been a government in history which recognized gay marriage before the current situation. The fact that I didn't explicitly state "before now," because I thought it was understood is irrelevant to the discussion. This is merely a handy way for you and your team of debate cheaters to avoid addressing the point I was trying to make. It's like I write a letter to someone saying "you lied," but misspell the word you, and the person insists that I am wrong because I misspelled you, as though that proves that he didn't lie. It's dishonorable to argue that way, and only people in the wrong do so.

Now I continue to ask for a citation to any government in the history of the world which recognized gay marriages BEFORE NOW. I await your next attempt to flee from the question.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 01:47 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
It's like I write a letter to someone saying "you lied," but misspell the word you, and the person insists that I am wrong because I misspelled you, as though that proves that he didn't lie.

Err, no. Its not like you misspelled a word. You're not being caught on a matter of spelling or syntax.

It's like, you made a straightforward claim - "there has never been a place or time where the government legally recognized gay marriage" - that is plain false - what, with four governments doing exactly that, and some of them having been doing so for a number of years.

<shrugs> Thats all. No misspelling - no tricks - just you making a claim that's provably wrong, and being called on it.

Acknowledge it and move on, and leave the undignified wiggling to more cowardly souls. You know: "OK, I made a mistake there, so let me rephrase my point.."

(I'll never get what is so hard about saying that, for the life of me)
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