Genocide and the bible.

Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 02:52 pm
He he I added something to my sig that i got from frank.
Hope you enjoy frank
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 02:53 pm
Scott777ab wrote:
And your showing that your a perfect fool.

C'mon Scott...if you're gonna debate me...at least get the language correct. That word "your" in YOUR sentence should be "you're" like in MY sentence.

Now...are you gonna ask for proof of that????
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 02:54 pm
Enough of Frank I had a question that was posed to CHRISTIANS.

Christians in general in america today would be apalled at the thought of Genocide.

So could you ( Christians ) please explain this:


You hear a lot from Christians about Yahweh's "infinite compassion
and mercy". Tell it to the Midianites. Numbers 31 is a classic
example of wholesale slaughter and rape under the direction of
Yahweh. A sample of this tale: "They waged the campaign against
Midian, as Yahweh had ordered Moses, and they put every male to
death.... The sons of Israel took the Midianite women captive with
their young children, and plundered all their cattle, all their
flocks and all their goods. They set fire to the towns where
they lived and all their encampments.... Moses was enraged
with the commanders of the army ... who had come back from
this military expedition. He said, 'Why have you spared the
life of all the women? ... So kill all the male children. Kill
also all the women who have slept with a man. Spare the lives
only of the young girls who have not slept with a man, and take
them for yourselves.'" Yes, friends, this is infinite mercy and
compassion for you. I particularly like the way that Moses got
upset with them for sparing women and male children, but allowed
the young girls to be kept for later raping. If only humans could
keep to such lofty standards without the necessity of divine

I have no doubt that there is a GOD.
But I am beginning to seriously doubt the bible is from him.

Please explain this: christains. Thank you.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 02:57 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Scott777ab wrote:
And your showing that your a perfect fool.

C'mon Scott...if you're gonna debate me...at least get the language correct. That word "your" in YOUR sentence should be "you're" like in MY sentence.

Now...are you gonna ask for proof of that????

I will give you that Frank.. Ok but we both know that, that is what is meant. Even tough my grammar sucks you still knew that I meant you're and not your. Sorry about my bad grammar but my points still stand strong while your are faultering all over the place.

And I apolgise for saying your a fool that was wrong of me to do that.
Sorry Frank.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 03:02 pm
Scott777ab wrote:
Enough of Frank I had a question that was posed to CHRISTIANS.

Christians in general in america today would be apalled at the thought of Genocide.

So could you ( Christians ) please explain this:


You hear a lot from Christians about Yahweh's "infinite compassion
and mercy". Tell it to the Midianites. Numbers 31 is a classic
example of wholesale slaughter and rape under the direction of
Yahweh. A sample of this tale: "They waged the campaign against
Midian, as Yahweh had ordered Moses, and they put every male to
death.... The sons of Israel took the Midianite women captive with
their young children, and plundered all their cattle, all their
flocks and all their goods. They set fire to the towns where
they lived and all their encampments.... Moses was enraged
with the commanders of the army ... who had come back from
this military expedition. He said, 'Why have you spared the
life of all the women? ... So kill all the male children. Kill
also all the women who have slept with a man. Spare the lives
only of the young girls who have not slept with a man, and take
them for yourselves.'" Yes, friends, this is infinite mercy and
compassion for you. I particularly like the way that Moses got
upset with them for sparing women and male children, but allowed
the young girls to be kept for later raping. If only humans could
keep to such lofty standards without the necessity of divine

I have no doubt that there is a GOD.

Ahhh...if you could just be honest with yourself...you would realize that in fact...you DO NOT have NO DOUBT that there is a GOD.

If you don't have some doubt...you are being dishonest.

(I knew you were only kidding about "enough of Frank." Nobody ever really gets "enough" of me. And you posted a message to me immediately after this one...so I thought I would respond to this one also.)

But I am beginning to seriously doubt the bible is from him.

You shoulda been doubting that right along.

You are half-way home, Scott.

Please explain this: christains. Thank you.[/quote]
0 Replies
Jason Proudmoore
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 03:04 pm
If Jesus worshipped or not any god…is this the argument here? How can this be arguable? How can an argument like this exist? Is this for real, guys?

... Madness is in the air...the most obvious evidence.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 03:08 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:

Ahhh...if you could just be honest with yourself...you would realize that in fact...you DO NOT have NO DOUBT that there is a GOD.
If you don't have some doubt...you are being dishonest.
(I knew you were only kidding about "enough of Frank." Nobody ever really gets "enough" of me. And you posted a message to me immediately after this one...so I thought I would respond to this one also.)
You shoulda been doubting that right along.
You are half-way home, Scott.
Please explain this: christains. Thank you.

Could, would you please back off and let the CHRISTIANS TRY TO EXPLAIN how God could allow such Genocide. Please.
Thank you.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 03:09 pm
Scott777ab wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Scott777ab wrote:
And your showing that your a perfect fool.

C'mon Scott...if you're gonna debate me...at least get the language correct. That word "your" in YOUR sentence should be "you're" like in MY sentence.

Now...are you gonna ask for proof of that????

I will give you that Frank.. Ok but we both know that, that is what is meant. Even tough my grammar sucks you still knew that I meant you're and not your. Sorry about my bad grammar but my points still stand strong while your are faultering all over the place.

I am not "faltering all over the place"...I am solid as a rock.

And the problem is not with your "bad grammar"...but with your carelessness. If you really intend to be the top-notch debater you are kidding yourself that you already are...you've gotta show more pride in your work. Check your posts over before posting...so that you don't use words like "tough" where you meant "though"...or "faultering" where you mean "faltering."

Normally I wouldn't even mention these kinds of things....but you are being so pompous about your debating skills...and I love to help people less fortunate than myself.

Little things are important...wouldn't you say???

And I apolgise for saying your a fool that was wrong of me to do that.
Sorry Frank.

No need to apologize, Scott....but it would have been nice if you had spelled it correctly.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 03:09 pm
Jason Proudmoore wrote:
If Jesus worshipped or not any god…is this the argument here? How can this be arguable? How can an argument like this exist? Is this for real, guys?

... Madness is in the air...the most obvious evidence.

actually no that is not what the section was about what it is about is Genocide.

And I asked the christains to please explain this.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 03:11 pm
Jason Proudmoore wrote:
If Jesus worshipped or not any god…is this the argument here? How can this be arguable? How can an argument like this exist? Is this for real, guys?

... Madness is in the air...the most obvious evidence.

Scott is arguing that Jesus did not worship the god of the Bible. I am commenting on it, Jason. It requires comments.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 03:14 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Scott777ab wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Scott777ab wrote:
And your showing that your a perfect fool.

C'mon Scott...if you're gonna debate me...at least get the language correct. That word "your" in YOUR sentence should be "you're" like in MY sentence.

Now...are you gonna ask for proof of that????

I will give you that Frank.. Ok but we both know that, that is what is meant. Even tough my grammar sucks you still knew that I meant you're and not your. Sorry about my bad grammar but my points still stand strong while your are faultering all over the place.

I am not "faltering all over the place"...I am solid as a rock.

And the problem is not with your "bad grammar"...but with your carelessness. If you really intend to be the top-notch debater you are kidding yourself that you already are...you've gotta show more pride in your work. Check your posts over before posting...so that you don't use words like "tough" where you meant "though"...or "faultering" where you mean "faltering."

Normally I wouldn't even mention these kinds of things....but you are being so pompous about your debating skills...and I love to help people less fortunate than myself.

Little things are important...wouldn't you say???

And I apolgise for saying your a fool that was wrong of me to do that.
Sorry Frank.

No need to apologize, Scott....but it would have been nice if you had spelled it correctly.

OMG Frank I almost fell out of my chair reading that.
I did slaughter that word didn't I.

Sorry not only is my grammar crap so is my spelling.
Frank would hyou call yourself a MASTER deBATER?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 03:15 pm
Jesus H. Kerist, Scott...

...the answer to your question, whether from a Christian or a non-Christian should be...

...because the best possible guess that can be made about the Bible is that it is a (rather self-serving) history of the early Hebrew people with a mythology intertwined. The ancient Hebrews who wrote the stuff had absolutely no problem with any of the deranged, barbaric stuff they put into the mouth of the god the invented.

That is why the genocide is there.

That is why witches get burned in ovens also...or why the Grinch almost succeeds in stealing Christmas.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 03:16 pm
Scott777ab wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Scott777ab wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Scott777ab wrote:
And your showing that your a perfect fool.

C'mon Scott...if you're gonna debate me...at least get the language correct. That word "your" in YOUR sentence should be "you're" like in MY sentence.

Now...are you gonna ask for proof of that????

I will give you that Frank.. Ok but we both know that, that is what is meant. Even tough my grammar sucks you still knew that I meant you're and not your. Sorry about my bad grammar but my points still stand strong while your are faultering all over the place.

I am not "faltering all over the place"...I am solid as a rock.

And the problem is not with your "bad grammar"...but with your carelessness. If you really intend to be the top-notch debater you are kidding yourself that you already are...you've gotta show more pride in your work. Check your posts over before posting...so that you don't use words like "tough" where you meant "though"...or "faultering" where you mean "faltering."

Normally I wouldn't even mention these kinds of things....but you are being so pompous about your debating skills...and I love to help people less fortunate than myself.

Little things are important...wouldn't you say???

And I apolgise for saying your a fool that was wrong of me to do that.
Sorry Frank.

No need to apologize, Scott....but it would have been nice if you had spelled it correctly.

OMG Frank I almost fell out of my chair reading that.
I did slaughter that word didn't I.

Sorry not only is my grammar crap so is my spelling.
Frank would hyou call yourself a MASTER deBATER?

Yup! I like that.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 03:17 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Jason Proudmoore wrote:
If Jesus worshipped or not any god…is this the argument here? How can this be arguable? How can an argument like this exist? Is this for real, guys?

... Madness is in the air...the most obvious evidence.

Scott is arguing that Jesus did not worship the god of the Bible. I am commenting on it, Jason. It requires comments.

Yes you are commenting on it but your comments are without foundation. To have a foundation you must provide some kind of evidence to back up your comments. But you have already said that you are not going to provide evidence so your comments are mute and without the power of proof. Without proof you are showing that your are just a arguer and not a debater.
O yeah that is right your a MASTER deBATER.
Sorry my bad, I should have remembered that.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 03:18 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:

Yup! I like that.

Your sick.
I love it.
Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 03:20 pm
Scott777ab wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:

Yup! I like that.

Your sick.
I love it.
Twisted Evil

It should read, "You're sick."

We gotta have a drink together, Scott.

You anywhere near the Big Apple?
0 Replies
Jason Proudmoore
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 03:22 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Jason Proudmoore wrote:
If Jesus worshipped or not any god…is this the argument here? How can this be arguable? How can an argument like this exist? Is this for real, guys?

... Madness is in the air...the most obvious evidence.

Scott is arguing that Jesus did not worship the god of the Bible. I am commenting on it, Jason. It requires comments.

I am aware of the procedure. But what I mean is how can Scott argue against the overwhelming evidence that Jesus actually devoted great part of his life worshipping the god of the OT. How crazy is that for someone who supposedly knows about the Bible?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 03:31 pm
Jason Proudmoore wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Jason Proudmoore wrote:
If Jesus worshipped or not any god…is this the argument here? How can this be arguable? How can an argument like this exist? Is this for real, guys?

... Madness is in the air...the most obvious evidence.

Scott is arguing that Jesus did not worship the god of the Bible. I am commenting on it, Jason. It requires comments.

I am aware of the procedure. But what I mean is how can Scott argue against the overwhelming evidence that Jesus actually devoted great part of his life worshipping the god of the OT. How crazy is that for someone who supposedly knows about the Bible?

Like I have told FRANK provide your evidence.
He says He won't.
Will you?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 03:32 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Scott777ab wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:

Yup! I like that.

Your sick.
I love it.
Twisted Evil

It should read, "You're sick."

We gotta have a drink together, Scott.

You anywhere near the Big Apple?

Darn it of it all. Grrr.
Fine here is the correction I hope.

You're sick.
I love it.
Twisted Evil

Is that better?
Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Jason Proudmoore
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 03:46 pm
Scott777ab wrote:
Jason Proudmoore wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Jason Proudmoore wrote:
If Jesus worshipped or not any god…is this the argument here? How can this be arguable? How can an argument like this exist? Is this for real, guys?

... Madness is in the air...the most obvious evidence.

Scott is arguing that Jesus did not worship the god of the Bible. I am commenting on it, Jason. It requires comments.

I am aware of the procedure. But what I mean is how can Scott argue against the overwhelming evidence that Jesus actually devoted great part of his life worshipping the god of the OT. How crazy is that for someone who supposedly knows about the Bible?

Like I have told FRANK provide your evidence.
He says He won't.
Will you?

I don't have to present any evidence of you insanity...you have.
0 Replies

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