Bartikus wrote:Frank Apisa wrote:Clean your brain out, Scott.
You do not know what you are talking about...and it sounds to me as though you are regurgitating (not especially well) the ramblings of one of the many odd-ball Christian sects.
Hey...go for it.
But all you are going to get here is a loud laugh.
Your Jesus worshipped a god...and that was the god of the Old Testament.
Live with it...or live with your delusions. Makes no big heap of shyt to me.
It should'nt make a big heap of shyt since you are only guessing that Jesus worshipped anyone right?
In a way I am. In another way, I am not.
You people seem to think that the Bible has some validity...and since I am addressing you people...I am using the Bible as "valid in your eyes."
The Bible certainly has Jesus worshipping a god.
If I have to document people are simply playing with yourselves.
And...the god the Bible has Jesus the god of Abraham...the god of the Old Testament.
From that perspective, I am not guessing. I am simply using your Bible in argument against you.