Genocide and the bible.

Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 04:37 pm
Bartikus wrote:
Do you know HIS Jesus?

Was this added later????

In any case...yeah...I "know" the Jesus of the Bible. I read about him often.

I know for instance he has a huge following of people here in this country who have damn near no idea of what the man preached and taught. So much so...that I would venture a guess that a huge majority of supposed Christians are hypocrites.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 04:43 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Bartikus wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Clean your brain out, Scott.

You do not know what you are talking about...and it sounds to me as though you are regurgitating (not especially well) the ramblings of one of the many odd-ball Christian sects.

Hey...go for it.

But all you are going to get here is a loud laugh.

Your Jesus worshipped a god...and that was the god of the Old Testament.

Live with it...or live with your delusions. Makes no big heap of shyt to me.

It should'nt make a big heap of shyt since you are only guessing that Jesus worshipped anyone right?

In a way I am. In another way, I am not.

You people seem to think that the Bible has some validity...and since I am addressing you people...I am using the Bible as "valid in your eyes."

The Bible certainly has Jesus worshipping a god.

If I have to document that...you people are simply playing with yourselves.

And...the god the Bible has Jesus worshipping...is the god of Abraham...the god of the Old Testament.

From that perspective, I am not guessing. I am simply using your Bible in argument against you.

Your using your interpretation of the Bible against those who see the Bible as valid.

Yet everyone who does see the Bible as valid.....may have a slightly different interpretation or perspective than another.

It seems that your interpretation and perspective of the Bible is formed and led by your desire to either discredit the Bible or discredit those who regard the bible as the valid word of God.

Just a guess.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 04:44 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Bartikus wrote:
Do you know HIS Jesus?

Was this added later????

In any case...yeah...I "know" the Jesus of the Bible. I read about him often.

I know for instance he has a huge following of people here in this country who have damn near no idea of what the man preached and taught. So much so...that I would venture a guess that a huge majority of supposed Christians are hypocrites.

Christians are not the only ones who could be deemed as such.

But, that would'nt mean much of shyt since you admit that you are only venturing a mere guess. You do not have enough unambiguous evidence to know if your guess is VALID.

Make sense? It should since it's your mantra.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 04:55 pm
Bartikus wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Bartikus wrote:
Do you know HIS Jesus?

Was this added later????

In any case...yeah...I "know" the Jesus of the Bible. I read about him often.

I know for instance he has a huge following of people here in this country who have damn near no idea of what the man preached and taught. So much so...that I would venture a guess that a huge majority of supposed Christians are hypocrites.

Christians are not the only ones who could be deemed as such.

But, that would'nt mean much of shyt since you admit that you are only venturing a mere guess. You do not have enough unambiguous evidence to know if your guess is VALID.

Try reading what I said again, Bart. Try to understand the word...and look at all of them...not just the ones that you think make your point. (They actually don't, by the way.)

But I am enjoying you trying to get mileage out of my agnosticism...even if you are screwing it up considerably.

Keep working on it.

And I appreciate more than you can imagine this side track which dwells on me...rather than what was being discussed. I like it when I get inside someone's head. Easier for me to lay the seeds which will one day germinate.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 04:57 pm
Why don't you try completing your thoughts before posting...so I don't have to go after the afterthoughts.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 05:00 pm
You don't have to go over the afterthoughts.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 05:02 pm
Bartikus wrote:
You don't have to go over the afterthoughts.

But they are so pithy!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 05:12 pm
You seem a bit disturbed frank.

Everything cool?

Who is "you people"?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 05:38 pm
Bartikus wrote:
You seem a bit disturbed frank.

Everything cool?

Everything is terrific.

Not meaning to sound "disturbed" at all...and certainly not feeling disturbed by any means.

I am one of the most content, happy people around...and one of the luckiest. If only my golf game would pull together...I'd think I was in heaven.

But even with the golf on the bum side...things are hunky dorey!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 05:43 pm
You say Jesus worshipped a god.

Can you give scripture to support this?
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 06:04 pm
Bartikus wrote:
You say Jesus worshipped a god.

Can you give scripture to support this?

I'm not going to jump through hoops for you or anyone else.

Anyone who has a brain...and has ever been exposed to the Bible...realizes that Jesus worshipped the god the Torah contained...

...and the only god the Torah contained was the god of Abraham.

If someone else wants to jump through that hoop...let 'em.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 06:25 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Bartikus wrote:
You say Jesus worshipped a god.

Can you give scripture to support this?

I'm not going to jump through hoops for you or anyone else.

Anyone who has a brain...and has ever been exposed to the Bible...realizes that Jesus worshipped the god the Torah contained...

...and the only god the Torah contained was the god of Abraham.

If someone else wants to jump through that hoop...let 'em.

Did you mean anyone who has your brain or one who is like minded?

"I am one of the most content, happy people around...and one of the luckiest. If only my golf game would pull together...I'd think I was in heaven."

Who thinks happy and content people tend to belittle others and resort to personal attacks?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 07:02 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Bartikus wrote:
You say Jesus worshipped a god.

Can you give scripture to support this?

I'm not going to jump through hoops for you or anyone else.

Anyone who has a brain...and has ever been exposed to the Bible...realizes that Jesus worshipped the god the Torah contained...

...and the only god the Torah contained was the god of Abraham.

If someone else wants to jump through that hoop...let 'em.

If your not willing to PROVIDE EVIDENCE that Jesus worshipped any type of God, do not say it. Plain and simple.

Jesus is called Emmanuel which means God with us. Matt 1
Jesus is God

John 1:1
The word is with god
and the word is god

Jesus is the word according to the bible.

The NT says that the rock that followed the Jews in the wilderness was Jesus and the OT says that, that rock was Jehovah. AKA and therefor Jesus is Jehovah the Rock of Salvation.

There are many instances all through the NT, that are repeats of the OT, where it talks about Jehovah and implys in the NT that those verses are, and were the person Jesus protecting them.

SO like i said If you dont provide the verses where he supposedly worshipped you can not claim it at all.

So please stop with your false claims
Jesus never worhsipped a God.
Because he is God.
According to the bible.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 07:04 pm
Bartikus wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Bartikus wrote:
You say Jesus worshipped a god.

Can you give scripture to support this?

I'm not going to jump through hoops for you or anyone else.

Anyone who has a brain...and has ever been exposed to the Bible...realizes that Jesus worshipped the god the Torah contained...

...and the only god the Torah contained was the god of Abraham.

If someone else wants to jump through that hoop...let 'em.

Did you mean anyone who has your brain or one who is like minded?

"I am one of the most content, happy people around...and one of the luckiest. If only my golf game would pull together...I'd think I was in heaven."

Who thinks happy and content people tend to belittle others and resort to personal attacks?

I do.

Of course, I am lucky. I get to see it in action.

I am a happy, content person...and if I see a reason for it, I have no problem engaging in what you term "personal attacks."
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 07:08 pm
Scott777ab wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Bartikus wrote:
You say Jesus worshipped a god.

Can you give scripture to support this?

I'm not going to jump through hoops for you or anyone else.

Anyone who has a brain...and has ever been exposed to the Bible...realizes that Jesus worshipped the god the Torah contained...

...and the only god the Torah contained was the god of Abraham.

If someone else wants to jump through that hoop...let 'em.

If your not willing to PROVIDE EVIDENCE that Jesus worshipped any type of God, do not say it. Plain and simple.

I already did. Get your head out of your ass...and read what I write.


Jesus is called Emmanuel which means God with us. Matt 1
Jesus is God

Yes...your particular cult apparently feels this way.


John 1:1
The word is with god
and the word is god

Jesus is the word according to the bible.

The NT says that the rock that followed the Jews in the wilderness was Jesus and the OT says that, that rock was Jehovah. AKA and therefor Jesus is Jehovah the Rock of Salvation.

There are many instances all through the NT, that are repeats of the OT, where it talks about Jehovah and implys in the NT that those verses are, and were the person Jesus protecting them.

SO like i said If you dont provide the verses where he supposedly worshipped you can not claim it at all.

Of course I can. In fact...I already have.

Jeez...you have a hard time with logic, don't you.

Is your cult opposed to logic?

So please stop with your false claims

I have made no false claims.

Jesus never worhsipped a God.

Gimme a fukin' break, will ya!

Of course Jesus worshipped a god. He worshipped that pathetic cartoon god of the Bible.

Because he is God.
According to the bible.

Okay...but he still worshipped the god of Abraham.

I feel so sorry for you poor saps who actually have to go through all this torturous twisting and turning to try to get the fairytale to agree with the story you now are peddling.

Did you ever think of selling snake oil?

It is honest work!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 07:37 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Bartikus wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Bartikus wrote:
You say Jesus worshipped a god.

Can you give scripture to support this?

I'm not going to jump through hoops for you or anyone else.

Anyone who has a brain...and has ever been exposed to the Bible...realizes that Jesus worshipped the god the Torah contained...

...and the only god the Torah contained was the god of Abraham.

If someone else wants to jump through that hoop...let 'em.

Did you mean anyone who has your brain or one who is like minded?

"I am one of the most content, happy people around...and one of the luckiest. If only my golf game would pull together...I'd think I was in heaven."

Who thinks happy and content people tend to belittle others and resort to personal attacks?

I do.

Of course, I am lucky. I get to see it in action.

I am a happy, content person...and if I see a reason for it, I have no problem engaging in what you term "personal attacks."

I'm sorry Frank. My mistake. I was meaning to direct my question towards those who may be lacking a brain....ie...(those not in agreement with you)

Not only that but...your answer may tend to be just a bit biased.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 07:46 pm
Bartikus wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Bartikus wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Bartikus wrote:
You say Jesus worshipped a god.

Can you give scripture to support this?

I'm not going to jump through hoops for you or anyone else.

Anyone who has a brain...and has ever been exposed to the Bible...realizes that Jesus worshipped the god the Torah contained...

...and the only god the Torah contained was the god of Abraham.

If someone else wants to jump through that hoop...let 'em.

Did you mean anyone who has your brain or one who is like minded?

"I am one of the most content, happy people around...and one of the luckiest. If only my golf game would pull together...I'd think I was in heaven."

Who thinks happy and content people tend to belittle others and resort to personal attacks?

I do.

Of course, I am lucky. I get to see it in action.

I am a happy, content person...and if I see a reason for it, I have no problem engaging in what you term "personal attacks."

I'm sorry Frank. My mistake. I was meaning to direct my question towards those who may be lacking a brain....ie...(those not in agreement with you)

Not only that but...your answer may tend to be just a bit biased.

Perhaps a bit. Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 07:51 pm
Frank....if you don't mind me asking...how old are you?

I see your retired. Your probably old enough to be my Dad.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 08:03 pm
Bartikus wrote:
Frank....if you don't mind me asking...how old are you?

I see your retired. Your probably old enough to be my Dad.

Might be old enough to be your grandfather, Bart.

I'll be 70 on August 9th.

I've been using 70 as my age all year to prepare myself for this significant first digit change.

Yeah...I'm an old goat.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 08:13 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Bartikus wrote:
Frank....if you don't mind me asking...how old are you?

I see your retired. Your probably old enough to be my Dad.

Might be old enough to be your grandfather, Bart.

I'll be 70 on August 9th.

I've been using 70 as my age all year to prepare myself for this significant first digit change.

Yeah...I'm an old goat.

Mines on the 8th.

That explains alot.

Yeah...you could be a grandfather if the family did'nt wait long to.....well you know. lol
0 Replies

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