I am Gentile and Christian but with a deep appreciation for the Jewish faith and people and possibly a better than average schooling in Jewish History. I am not anti-Palestinian, but I have been consistently an advocate for Israel's position as the more defensible and just one in the ongoing conflict.
Certainly the ideal would be for all Jews/Israelis and all Palestinians/Arabs to live in peace and harmony. I believe the Jews/Israelis are 100% open to such a concept. I do not believe that the Palestinian leadership is.
When I used the term 'reasonable cause', it is because the Israeli settlements on the West Bank is the biggest bone of contention with the most justifiable cause for criticism. The argument is that however it was acquired, it is not Israel's land and Israel should give it back. Personally I don't agree with that so long as the Palestinian leadership professes a purpose to destroy Israel, but I accept that in the court of the most vocal public opinion, I will be shouted down on that point. It is the most reasonable issue by which Israel's critics condemn it.
The presence of the Israeli settlements on the West Bank requires extra security to protect the settlers from those who would murder them and that creates the illusion of unfair restrictions on the Palestinians on the West Bank. Personally I see the Israelis as perfectly justified in preventing Palestinian terrorists from murdering Israeli citizens, but again I accept that in the court of the most vocal public opinion, I will be shouted down on that point too.
So from a practical point of view, I think Israel would be wise to withdraw from the West Bank entirely and let the Palestinians have it. Of course that would not require the Israelis who live there to move out, but if Israel withdraws its protection of thosec citizens, it would be prudent for them to do so. Can you imagine the peril for any Jew living in Palestinian territory without any defense at all?
What that would accomplish is to remove an important bone of contention used in that vocal court of public opinion. Then when the Palestinian leadership and the terrorists they recruit to fight for them resume attacks on Israel from the West Bank--and they will--perhaps there will be enough rational people in the world to begin to see the situation for what it is rather than relying on the Pro-Palestinian propaganda that rarely ever accuses the Palestinians but condemns Israel for everything.
Even if Israel had to extend the wall to keep out the saboteurs and bombers and resume air strikes on the West Bank, they would have removed a great deal of the ammunition their accusers use to condemn them. And I think the trade off for Israel that more people would be converted to the more rational point of view that no matter what Israel does, there are those who will destroy it if they can and Israel is justified in defending itself from those who want to destroy Israel.