FreeDuck wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
You are drawing a whole lot more assumption here than anything I did. The Arabs who fled from within Israel were not a majority and did not threaten the Israelis. I will concede that I do not know that they all left hoping the Israelis would be killed, but given that they had the option to stay, it is reasonable to think their sympathies were with the Arab leaders to intended to destroy Israel.
I think it is more reasonable to assume they were fleeing a war zone.
Perhaps. But then a whole bunch didn't flee. And they've been most handsomely rewarded for their loyalty to Israel.
Quote:Quote:There is quite a bit of history available describing what happened.
Do share.
I provided a link for your perusal. There are lots and lots more.
Quote:Quote:You are correct, however, that the Israelis will not allow the Palestinians who abandoned Israel to return there, and the Israelis do absolutely want a Jewish majority as that is the only way that the security and self-determination of Israel can be retained. How long do you think there would be an Israel should an Arab majority occupy that land?
All the more reason why Israel should be doing its utmost to ensure a viable Palestinian state, don't you think? And even more reason whey they should stop expanding settlements. Why, you should ask yourself, would a state so purportedly vulnerable as Israel want such indefensible meandering borders like those created by the "security wall"? You should ask yourself a great many more questions, but we'll start with that one.
The Israelis were receiving regular deadly internal sabotage, suicide bombers, and such as that before they put up the security wall. Such terrorist attacks are now infrequent and the few that get through or originated within are mostly intercepted and stopped before they can blow up a crowded market or a bus filled with school children and moms.
If I knew nothing else re the situation that exists, that alone would be justification for the security wall. Had the Palestinians not regularly and persistently attempted to terrorize, injure, maim, and murder Israelis, the wall would not exist.
It is not Israel who has resisted a Palestinian state but the Palestinians themselves. They never agreed to the UN solution and are not agreeing to it now. Israel took some Egyptian land in previous conflicts--land they have not returned and Egypt does not now expect them to--and Palestinian land which at different times they have attempted to relinquish back to the Palestinians. Sooner or later each time they have done so, the Palestinians have used it to launch rockets into Israeli residential neighborhoods or as a base for their suicide bombers, murderers, kidnappers etc.
But the bleeding hearts out there seem to think it is only Israel's duty to make concessions and accommodations and nothing whatsoever should be required of the Palestinians in order to be accommodated by Israel.
Should the Palestinians acknowledge Israel's right to exist, should they cease and desist in their rhetoric demanding the extermination of Israel, when they condemn, arrest, convict, and punish those who would presume to do violence to Israelis, and promise peace through both word and deed....should the Palestinians do that, and then Israel did not become a good friend and neighbor to the Palestinians, THEN you would see my criticism and contempt directed toward Israel and not the Palestinian leadership.