cicerone imposter wrote:THE PALESTINIAN RIGHT OF RETURN
A position statement by Palestine Information Project and Palestine Solidarity Committee/Seattle
In 1947-9 and in 1967, over one million Palestinians were driven out of their homes by force or threat of force.
Currently, over four million Palestinian refugees and their descendants live outside the state of Israel. Of these, 1.2 million are in 59 refugee camps in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and the Occupied Territories. 620,000 refugees live in the Occupied Territories. Another 250,000 Palestinians are internally displaced inside Israel, living in 100 unrecognized villages with no access to water or electrical services. Of these, only about 14,000 have received any compensation from the Israeli government for property loss.
In 1947-49 Palestinian Arabs were told by some non-Jews to flee Palestine until Israel was conquered. Some fled, some did not. Israel thus far has not been conquered.
In 1967, Israel launched a preemptive strike on troops massing on its borders to prevent itself from being conquered. Few if any Arabs were driven out of their homes in 1967.
Assuming your numbers are correct, of the 4 million Arabs
living outside of Israel:
1.2 million live outside of Palestine
and in the occupied territories;
0.62 million live in the occupied territories;
1.2 - 0.62 = 0.58 million live outside of Palestine;
4.0 - 0.58 = 3.62 million live inside Palestine outside of Israel; and,
0.25 million are
internally displaced 
living in Israel.
There was no mention of the approximately 1 million more Arabs living in Israel that are not
internally displaced 
This situation exists because a significant percentage of Palestinian Arabs refuse to grant Israel the right to exist, because some Palestinian Arabs mass murdered Jews in the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2000 - 2007, and because the Jews in Israel fear what these Arabs may do if they are welcomed into Israel without granting Israel the right to exist.
That fear by the Israelis has led them to resume settling in the territories they conquered in 1967.
That fear by the Israelis is rational.
Despite that fear, Israel has successfully traded conquered land for peace, and has unsuccessfully, repeatedly offered to trade more conquered land for peace.