georgeob1 writes
Quote:This raises an interesting question. Why bring it up at all?? What is the point or purpose of this litany? Could it be an attempt to distract the conversation from the essential and central question of Israel's continuing suppression of the political and human rights of the Palestinian population of the occupied territories for the past forty years? I can think of no other logical rhetorical purpose for it.
Distract? No. Recognize both sides of the problem, yes.
Since having this discussion with you I have been intentionally looking for reasoned arguments to support your point of view. I'm not finding much that doesn't present it as a "Israel bad - everybody else therefore justified" point of view. In fairness, however, the pro-Israel stuff doesn't offer much in the way of criticism of Israel or approval of the Palestinians either.
I was reading one article quoting some Palestinians' point of view as they described the hardships created by the presence of the security wall. I can't remember who the writer was but, while sympathizing with the Palestinians plight, at least did make the point that terrorist bombings in Israel have virtually ceased since the wall went up.
This has to at least be a factor in an honest debate.
If you were an Israeli and had the choice of a security wall or a very much greater risk of you and/or your loved ones being blown up when they go to the market, how would you vote?
It isn't fair to judge Israel for all her past sins unless everybody else gets judged for all their past sins too. The times that Israel was willing to compromise and others refused also has to be factored as would be any incidents in which others were willing to compromise and Israel refused.
And if it isn't fair to judge the Palestinians and other enemies of Israel by their history and past activities, it isn't fair to judge Israel by her history either. Both should be judged by their current policies, laws, stated goals, and how these are implemented. The USA certainly would not want to be judged as a slave nation rather than as a nation offering equal rights and opportunities for all. I'm guessing there aren't many modern day Israelis who remember much of 1948 if they were there at all, and not a huge amount who were old enough to have any say about it in 1967.
But are they going to be forever damned because their grandparents committed unacceptable acts at some point in the past?
I am seeing more clearly where Israel has been wrong. I still see clearly where the enemies of Israel have been wrong. When neither need fear the other, there will be peace in the ME. Right now I don't think any non-Israeli Arabs need fear Israel in any way so long as they leave Israel alone.