Foxfyre wrote:But what could possibly be Israel's motive for doing this? I admit I don't know any of the details but do remember the event which initially was reported as an 'accident'.
Liberty had intercepted Israeli communications to/from their front commanders during the 1967 Six Day War.
Though Egyptian President Nasser had foolishly provided a causus belli by expelling UN inspectors from the Siani and by closing the Gulf of Aquaba to Israeli ships, the fact is that Israel initiated the hostilities in a premeditated, well-planned and coordinated attack on Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. The U.S. was very concerned about the aftermath, and limiting excesses the Israelis might commit after their stunning initial successes. Cyclo is likely correct about the concerns for an Israeli attack on Damascus, launched from their new conquests on and beyond the Golan Heights..
This was not the only time that Israel violated the expressed wishes of U.S. govrernments, counting on domestic political action to subsequently resolve the matter. This is what indeed occurred after the Liberty matter. The Navy & CIA Boards of Inquiry concluded that the attack on Liberty was knowing and deliberate.
For some years afterwards there was pervasive antipathy for Israel in our Navy. It wasn't until 1977 that a US Navy ship ever visited an Israeli port (Haifa), and even then there was resistence in the Navy for doing it at all. The ship for this visit was USS Nimitz. I was in one of the fighter squadrons on board. An interesting experience.