Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 03:44 pm
Hey how come A2K is telling me this is Thur Aug 24......I believe most other things I read here, but surely not this
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 03:46 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Israel never stated that the kidnapping was the reason for massive military action.

Israel called Wednesday's abductions an act of war, and Maj. Gen. Udi Adam, head of Israel's Northern Command, said he has "comprehensive plans" to battle Hezbollah throughout Lebanon, not just in its southern stronghold.

"This affair is between Israel and the state of Lebanon," Adam said. "Where to attack? Once it is inside Lebanon, everything is legitimate -- not just southern Lebanon, not just the line of Hezbollah posts."

Earlier, Israel's chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz, told Israel's Channel 10, "If the soldiers are not returned, we will turn Lebanon's clock back 20 years."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 03:51 pm
No country would tolerate an attack on its territory resulting in the killing and kidnapping of soldiers.

Israel never denied that the magnitude of its attack was for rocket and other attacks on Israel over about 18 years. Israel felt it had to show Lebanon that there would be massive damage should the latter continue to shelter and support a terrorist group.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 03:52 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
The kidnapping triggered a very honoable attempt from Israel to rescue their soldiers--would you wish your German govenrment/military to do any less in that situation?

I don't know how old europe will answer this. But I'm rather sure, he thinks as well as I do that our government and military won't act against our constitution:

Article 87a [Establishment and powers of the Armed Forces]
(1) The Federation shall establish Armed Forces for purposes of defense. Their numerical strength and general organizational structure must be shown in the budget.

(2) Apart from defense, the Armed Forces may be employed only to the extent expressly permitted by this Basic Law.

(3) During a state of defense or a state of tension the Armed Forces shall have the power to protect civilian property and to perform traffic control functions to the extent necessary to accomplish their defense mission. Moreover, during a state of defense or a state of tension, the Armed Forces may also be authorized to support police measures for the protection of civilian property; in this event the Armed Forces shall cooperate with the competent authorities.

(4) In order to avert an imminent danger to the existence or free democratic basic order of the Federation or of a Land, the Federal Government, if the conditions referred to in paragraph (2) of Article 91 obtain and the police forces and the Federal Border Police prove inadequate, may employ the Armed Forces to support the police and the Federal Border Police in protecting civilian property and in combating organized armed insurgents. Any such employment of the Armed Forces shall be discontinued if the Bundestag or the Bundesrat so demands.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 03:52 pm
Advocate wrote:
Israel never denied that the magnitude of its attack was for rocket and other attacks on Israel over about 18 years.

Sheesh, the horseshit that gets thrown around here--Isreal never claimed that the attacks were based on 18 years of attacks, either. You're just making **** up here.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 03:57 pm
Fox has claimed that Israel launched a massive attack on the Lebanon because of thousands of missle attacks. Specifically, it wrote:

The massive military action was the direct result of Hezbollah launching thousands of Syrian/Iranian furnished rockets into Israeli civilian neighborhoods.

I politely asked for evidence, it is not forthcoming. Therefore, i must regrettably take note that Fox is a liar.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 03:57 pm
Advocate wrote:
No country would tolerate an attack on its territory resulting in the killing and kidnapping of soldiers.

Associated Press
Hezbollah Captures 2 Israeli Soldiers
By JOSEPH PANOSSIAN , 07.12.2006, 05:41 AM

The militant group Hezbollah captured two Israeli soldiers during clashes Wednesday across the border in southern Lebanon, prompting a swift reaction from Israel, which sent ground forces into its neighbor to look for them.

The forces were trying to keep the soldiers' captors from moving them deeper into Lebanon, Israeli government officials said on condition of anonymity.

The Israeli military would not confirm the report.

Earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert called an emergency Cabinet meeting and said Lebanese guerrillas would pay a "heavy price" for Wednesday's attacks.

"These are difficult days for the state of Israel and its citizens," Olmert said. "There are people ... who are trying to test our resolve. They will fail and they will pay a heavy price for their actions."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 04:01 pm
Set, for a guy who takes things literally, I am surprised you read so poorly. I never said that Israel made the claim to which you allude.

Also, as tangential as it is, I never said that Israel physically reached the Canal in 1956. But it certainly trekked across Egypt as part of an attacking force.

You love to attack my posts for some reason, but have failed to show that any were inaccurate.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 04:13 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
The kidnapping triggered a very honoable attempt from Israel to rescue their soldiers--would you wish your German govenrment/military to do any less in that situation?

I don't know how old europe will answer this. But I'm rather sure, he thinks as well as I do that our government and military won't act against our constitution:

Article 87a [Establishment and powers of the Armed Forces]
(1) The Federation shall establish Armed Forces for purposes of defense. Their numerical strength and general organizational structure must be shown in the budget.

(2) Apart from defense, the Armed Forces may be employed only to the extent expressly permitted by this Basic Law.

(3) During a state of defense or a state of tension the Armed Forces shall have the power to protect civilian property and to perform traffic control functions to the extent necessary to accomplish their defense mission. Moreover, during a state of defense or a state of tension, the Armed Forces may also be authorized to support police measures for the protection of civilian property; in this event the Armed Forces shall cooperate with the competent authorities.

(4) In order to avert an imminent danger to the existence or free democratic basic order of the Federation or of a Land, the Federal Government, if the conditions referred to in paragraph (2) of Article 91 obtain and the police forces and the Federal Border Police prove inadequate, may employ the Armed Forces to support the police and the Federal Border Police in protecting civilian property and in combating organized armed insurgents. Any such employment of the Armed Forces shall be discontinued if the Bundestag or the Bundesrat so demands.

So any old terrorist group can wander into Germany, kidnap a few of your soldiers and your governmetn/military won't lift a finger to do anything about it even if they have an imminent chance to rescue them?
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 04:16 pm
Foxy, I'm sorry if you think I present your statements out of context. If you can point me to a specific statement that you think would leave an entirely different impression if presented in context, we can go back and I will reevaluate my reply.

However, I usually just answer those parts of your posts I really take issue with.

Foxfyre wrote:
And just once I wish you and the others in the Anti-Israel group here would have the honesty to admit what this conflict was about.

See? Another statement that really gets me going! What exactly prompts you to state that I am in the "Anti-Israel group?" Did I deny Israel's right to exist? Did I come across as anti-semitic? Heck, did I deny Israel the right to defend itself, or did I not, repeatedly, condemn the Hezbollah (and Hamas, for that matter) attacks on Israel?

Because I advocate that both sides adhere to the Geneva Conventions, does that make me "Anti-Israel?" I'd really like to know how you got to that conclusion. Really.

Foxfyre wrote:
Israel never stated that the kidnapping was the reason for massive military action.

Unbelievable, Foxy! Next sentence, and again something where you just ignore reality! Completely!! Let me post an exerpt of an Ha'aretz article (yes, the Israeli newspaper):

Ha'aretz, on 13/07/2006, wrote:
Cabinet authorizes 'severe' response

Israel's cabinet on Wednesday authorized what it called a "severe" response after the cross-border attacks.

A statement issued by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's cabinet said Israel holds the Lebanese government responsible for the attacks and for the safe return of the abducted soldiers.

"Israel holds the sovereign government of Lebanon as responsible for the action which emanated from its territory and for the safe return of the abducted soldiers."

"Israel must act with appropriate severity in response to this attack and it will do so. Israel will respond in a forthright and severe manner against the perpetrators responsible and will act to prevent future efforts and actions directed against Israel."

Reserve troops called up

In the wake of the attack, IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz headed into the military's war room at the Defense Ministry complex in Tel Aviv, Channel 10 television reported.

During consultations, senior IDF officers called for an end to the restraint against Hezbollah and said Lebanon should be made to pay a heavy price.

Halutz ordered the IDF to mobilize a reserve infantry division that was expected to be sent to the northern border. General Staff exercises held over the past several years tested a number of possible responses to kidnapping scenarios.

One of these responses involves the massive incursion of IDF ground forces into Lebanese territory. Military sources told Haaretz that Israel is liable to act with the aim of "altering the rules of the game on the northern front."

Contrary to what you just said, Israel absolutely stated that the kidnapping was the reason for massive military action! Exactly the opposite of what you said!

Foxfyre wrote:
The kidnapping triggered a very honoable attempt from Israel to rescue their soldiers--would you wish your German govenrment/military to do any less in that situation?

Again, I disagree. It triggered way more than an honorable attempt to rescue hostages. I wouldn't have any problem with that. I have problems with statements like the above one that "Lebanon should be made to pay a heavy price", and for a simple reason - it is nothing but a violation of the Geneva Conventions that Israel has signed!

Foxfyre wrote:
The massive military action was the direct result of Hezbollah launching thousands of Syrian/Iranian furnished rockets into Israeli civilian neighborhoods.

Hezbollah launched thousands of rockets, and then the IDF reacted? Evidence? A link, Foxy? Anything? Please!?

Foxfyre wrote:
This is the one fact that you seem to want to ignore.

Uh.... well... Fact? I can't see any evidence for it, so I believe you just made it up. Call that "ignoring facts", if you want to. Provide evidence for this version of yours, and I promise I won't ignore it.

Foxfyre wrote:
If Hezbollah kidnapped the soldiers for the express purpose of a prisoner exchange as they claim, and did not harm the soldiers, I would not condone that as civilized behavior, but would not consider it to be outside the bounds of human decency.

I'm puzzled why you don't have a problem with the kidnapping. I do, because it's yet another violation of the GC.

Foxfyre wrote:
One would have to believe that Hezbollah gives a tinker's damn about any human life, however, which they have clearly demonstrated they do not, to believe that was their true motive. It further stretches Hezbollah's credibility that they had their rocket launchers in place and loaded with rockets ready to fire.

Okay. And what does the fact that Israel had the IDF in place do to Israel's credibility?

Foxfyre wrote:
I do not see rocket attacks for the express purpose of injuring and killing civilians to be within the bounds of human decency.

Hah! In the end, something where we agree. Of course, we could discuss what you think about Hezbollah rocket attacks on the IDF on Lebanese soil, but let's just agree on something for a moment.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 04:25 pm
The latest reports are that Hezbollah launched up to 4000 rockets in all from mid July to the cease fire. I did not say that they were all launched prior to Israel's counter attack on Lebanon. But the rockets did start hitting Israel before Israel initiated air strikes and continued right up to the cease fire.
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 04:30 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
The latest reports are that Hezbollah launched up to 4000 rockets in all from mid July to the cease fire. I did not say that they were all launched prior to Israel's counter attack on Lebanon. But the rockets did start hitting Israel before Israel initiated air strikes and continued right up to the cease fire.

Yes, you said

Foxfyre wrote:
The massive military action was the direct result of Hezbollah launching thousands of Syrian/Iranian furnished rockets into Israeli civilian neighborhoods.

Hez firing thousands of rockets --> Israel launching massive military action

That implies that the thousands of rockets were fired prior to Israel's attack.
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 04:32 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
Israel never stated that the kidnapping was the reason for massive military action.

Israel called Wednesday's abductions an act of war, and Maj. Gen. Udi Adam, head of Israel's Northern Command, said he has "comprehensive plans" to battle Hezbollah throughout Lebanon, not just in its southern stronghold.

"This affair is between Israel and the state of Lebanon," Adam said. "Where to attack? Once it is inside Lebanon, everything is legitimate -- not just southern Lebanon, not just the line of Hezbollah posts."

Earlier, Israel's chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz, told Israel's Channel 10, "If the soldiers are not returned, we will turn Lebanon's clock back 20 years."

Thanks for posting that one again, Walter.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 04:33 pm
old europe wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
The latest reports are that Hezbollah launched up to 4000 rockets in all from mid July to the cease fire. I did not say that they were all launched prior to Israel's counter attack on Lebanon. But the rockets did start hitting Israel before Israel initiated air strikes and continued right up to the cease fire.

Yes, you said

Foxfyre wrote:
The massive military action was the direct result of Hezbollah launching thousands of Syrian/Iranian furnished rockets into Israeli civilian neighborhoods.

Hez firing thousands of rockets --> Israel launching massive military action

That implies that the thousands of rockets were fired prior to Israel's attack.

Only if you are totally ignorant of the sequence of events. Hezbollah fired rockets, Israel retaliated with air strikes. Hezbollah fires more rockets,; Israel retaliates with stepped up air strikes, etc. Had Hezbollah stopped firing rockets, I am quite sure Israel would have stopped the air strikes targeting the rocket launchers and supply routes for them.

I do not consider one or two air strikes to be MASSIVE military action. Do you?
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 04:37 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Had Hezbollah stopped firing rockets, I am quite sure Israel would have stopped the air strikes targeting the rocket launchers and supply routes for them.

Can you point out how this matches with these statements:

"This affair is between Israel and the state of Lebanon," Adam said. "Where to attack? Once it is inside Lebanon, everything is legitimate -- not just southern Lebanon, not just the line of Hezbollah posts."

Earlier, Israel's chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz, told Israel's Channel 10, "If the soldiers are not returned, we will turn Lebanon's clock back 20 years."
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 04:42 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Had Hezbollah stopped firing rockets, I am quite sure Israel would have stopped the air strikes targeting the rocket launchers and supply routes for them.

You know what really bothers me about this? You constantly make things up! You say "I'm quite sure Israel would have done this", "I believe Israel would never do that!"

Other posters here provide ample evidence for what Israel has done, and what Israeli officials have said. And often enough it appears that the facts are quite the opposite of what you believe they are.

You brush everything away as "Anti-Israel", and then go on about what you believe Israel is doing. It would be fair if you could at least post some link to an article, a tiny bit of evidence that backs up your statements.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 05:12 pm
old europe wrote:
Foxy, I'm sorry if you think I present your statements out of context. If you can point me to a specific statement that you think would leave an entirely different impression if presented in context, we can go back and I will reevaluate my reply.

However, I usually just answer those parts of your posts I really take issue with..

Well put them in context and don't pull out one part of my statement and hold it up as the sole criteria for my point of view as you did here:

Well, in the current conflict I haven't seen Hezbollah or Hamas stage any suicide attacks either, if that's your yardstick for acting "within boundaries of human decency". Have you?

And we'll get along a whole lot better.

Foxfyre wrote:
And just once I wish you and the others in the Anti-Israel group here would have the honesty to admit what this conflict was about.

See? Another statement that really gets me going! What exactly prompts you to state that I am in the "Anti-Israel group?" Did I deny Israel's right to exist? Did I come across as anti-semitic? Heck, did I deny Israel the right to defend itself, or did I not, repeatedly, condemn the Hezbollah (and Hamas, for that matter) attacks on Israel?

Because I advocate that both sides adhere to the Geneva Conventions, does that make me "Anti-Israel?" I'd really like to know how you got to that conclusion. Really.

I don't recall seeing any of your posts in this thread where you have unconditionally condemned Hezbollah' or Hamas' attacks on Israel. I have seen an awful lot of criticism for Israel. If I translated that wrongly into a bias against Israel, I apologize. It would better convince me that I was wrong if I ever saw you occasionally post something positive about Israel..

And I don't recall anybody here criticizng the Geneva Convention for that matter. I have yet to see a totalitarian dicatorship or terrorist groups adhere to it. Israel does or it certainly has in this conflict. Where is your praise for Israel there?

Foxfyre wrote:
Israel never stated that the kidnapping was the reason for massive military action.

Unbelievable, Foxy! Next sentence, and again something where you just ignore reality! Completely!! Let me post an exerpt of an Ha'aretz article (yes, the Israeli newspaper):

Ha'aretz, on 13/07/2006, wrote:
Cabinet authorizes 'severe' response

Israel's cabinet on Wednesday authorized what it called a "severe" response after the cross-border attacks.

A statement issued by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's cabinet said Israel holds the Lebanese government responsible for the attacks and for the safe return of the abducted soldiers.

"Israel holds the sovereign government of Lebanon as responsible for the action which emanated from its territory and for the safe return of the abducted soldiers."

"Israel must act with appropriate severity in response to this attack and it will do so. Israel will respond in a forthright and severe manner against the perpetrators responsible and will act to prevent future efforts and actions directed against Israel."

Reserve troops called up

In the wake of the attack, IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz headed into the military's war room at the Defense Ministry complex in Tel Aviv, Channel 10 television reported.

During consultations, senior IDF officers called for an end to the restraint against Hezbollah and said Lebanon should be made to pay a heavy price.

Halutz ordered the IDF to mobilize a reserve infantry division that was expected to be sent to the northern border. General Staff exercises held over the past several years tested a number of possible responses to kidnapping scenarios.

One of these responses involves the massive incursion of IDF ground forces into Lebanese territory. Military sources told Haaretz that Israel is liable to act with the aim of "altering the rules of the game on the northern front."

Contrary to what you just said, Israel absolutely stated that the kidnapping was the reason for massive military action! Exactly the opposite of what you said!

The "massive" response all of you are objecting to were the air strikes. I'll concede the word "massive' in the piece you quoted. I'll not concede that Israel intended a four-week bombing campaign due to the kidnapping. I believe the bombing campaign was in direct response to the rocket attacks over that four week period.

Foxfyre wrote:
The kidnapping triggered a very honoable attempt from Israel to rescue their soldiers--would you wish your German govenrment/military to do any less in that situation?

Again, I disagree. It triggered way more than an honorable attempt to rescue hostages. I wouldn't have any problem with that. I have problems with statements like the above one that "Lebanon should be made to pay a heavy price", and for a simple reason - it is nothing but a violation of the Geneva Conventions that Israel has signed!

You keep leaving out the rocket attacks. It was far more than the kidnapping that Israel was responding to. Up to 4000 rockets fired into Israel. Let's not forget that part of it, okay?

Foxfyre wrote:
The massive military action was the direct result of Hezbollah launching thousands of Syrian/Iranian furnished rockets into Israeli civilian neighborhoods.

Hezbollah launched thousands of rockets, and then the IDF reacted? Evidence? A link, Foxy? Anything? Please!?

Foxfyre wrote:
This is the one fact that you seem to want to ignore.

Uh.... well... Fact? I can't see any evidence for it, so I believe you just made it up. Call that "ignoring facts", if you want to. Provide evidence for this version of yours, and I promise I won't ignore it.
Foxfyre wrote:
If Hezbollah kidnapped the soldiers for the express purpose of a prisoner exchange as they claim, and did not harm the soldiers, I would not condone that as civilized behavior, but would not consider it to be outside the bounds of human decency.

I'm puzzled why you don't have a problem with the kidnapping. I do, because it's yet another violation of the GC.

Show me any quote anywhere on A2K where I even suggested I had no problem with the kidnapping? I think the kidnapping was reprehensible especially since I believe the purpose of it was to draw Israel into a shooting war. But you didn't ask me what I thought about the kidnapping. You asked me how I compared kidnapping within the bounds of human decency, and my response addressed that point only.

Foxfyre wrote:
One would have to believe that Hezbollah gives a tinker's damn about any human life, however, which they have clearly demonstrated they do not, to believe that was their true motive. It further stretches Hezbollah's credibility that they had their rocket launchers in place and loaded with rockets ready to fire.

Okay. And what does the fact that Israel had the IDF in place do to Israel's credibility?

Israel is under constant 24/7 threat from hostile neighbors on all sides. It would be suicidal for them not to have the IDF in place at all times. Israel's neighbors, however, are under zero threat from Israel if they leave Israel alone in peace.

Foxfyre wrote:
I do not see rocket attacks for the express purpose of injuring and killing civilians to be within the bounds of human decency.

Hah! In the end, something where we agree. Of course, we could discuss what you think about Hezbollah rocket attacks on the IDF on Lebanese soil, but let's just agree on something for a moment.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 05:22 pm
old europe wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
Had Hezbollah stopped firing rockets, I am quite sure Israel would have stopped the air strikes targeting the rocket launchers and supply routes for them.

You know what really bothers me about this? You constantly make things up! You say "I'm quite sure Israel would have done this", "I believe Israel would never do that!"

Other posters here provide ample evidence for what Israel has done, and what Israeli officials have said. And often enough it appears that the facts are quite the opposite of what you believe they are.

You brush everything away as "Anti-Israel", and then go on about what you believe Israel is doing. It would be fair if you could at least post some link to an article, a tiny bit of evidence that backs up your statements.

I think you want to take the facts that fit your point of view and ignore any other perspective. What have I made up? My opinions about Israel may be based on both error of fact and perception, but they are not totally uninformed either. I reserve my right to my opinion as I afford the right to anybody else to their opinion.

I tend to be a generalist in these things and in most things, and I object to choosing one statement from one official or source and using that as a basis for what Israel (or anybody else) says or thinks or intends. And I strongly object to using convenient facts to support an ideological argument when if all the facts are presented, a very different picture emerges.

And if anybody tries to tell me that Israel should not have attempted to rescue their soldiers, I would tell them they're dead wrong. And if somebody tries to tell me that Israel should not try to take out Hezbollah's rocket launchers and the supply routes for them when Hezbollah is firing dozens and/or hundreds of rockets daily into Israel, I'll say that somebody is an idiot.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 05:30 pm
But, despite any protestations from the learned Setanta, I must, I really must comment on his one word reply-

I reference Cyrano De Bergerac by Edmond Rostand.

In the first act of that wonderful play, Cyrano warns those in the audience that they are not to "find this feature of my countenance a theme for comedy"

Then. "Valvert" an aristocratic fop who thinks he can best Cyrano answers-

"Ah...your nose...your nose is rather large"

Cyrano answers-"Rather" and then says--

IS THAT ALL? You are too simple. Why you might have said a good many things! Mon Dieu, why waste your opportunity...

For example, thus-

Aggressive- I, sir, if that nose were mine, I'd have it amputated on the spot
Pedantic--Does not Aristophanes mention a mythologic monster called Hippocamelephantocamelos"? Surely, we have here the original
Eloquent- When it blows, the typhoon howls and the skies darken--When it bleeds- The Red Sea.

These, my dear sir, are things you might have said had you some tinge of letters, or of wit, to color your discourse. But wit--not so--You never had an atom, and of letters, you need but three to write you down--An Ass!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 05:30 pm

And if anybody tries to tell me that Israel should not have attempted to rescue their soldiers, I would tell them they're dead wrong. And if somebody tries to tell me that Israel should not try to take out Hezbollah's rocket launchers and the supply routes for them when Hezbollah is firing dozens and/or hundreds of rockets daily into Israel, I'll say that somebody is an idiot.

Fortunately, your saying something does not make it true, Fox. In fact, it usually indicates the opposite.

0 Replies

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