okie wrote:Amigo, if you think your opinions on 911 being a U.S. government conspiracy demonstrates your superior reasoning ability, I feel sorry for you. I will say again, just my personal opinion, but your opinions can't be taken seriously on much of anything. You have essentially rendered yourself to be a whacko, in my opinion. Others here are free to think whatever they want. Being a free thinker is not necessarily admirable, Amigo, if your thinking is out of control, not tied to reality and common sense. I agree it is free, but so free it has no connection the the gravity of reason.
Your list of dictators felt the same way.
So if we freely think like you we are not whackos.
When colin Powell and the president came on T.V. and lied about WMDs I said "There lying" some people hit the roof. I was a whacko then to.
I was also a whacko when I (we) said the Plame leak came from the administration on purpose.
In fact ever time we, the whackos, tell the truth we are called whackos again.
By this logic anybody that believes the president was lying about WMDs and that global warming isn't real is a whacko. Thats what they were when these things were first proposed.
How do you explain that? Let me held you.
Were not whacko we are right, as far as the record is concerned.
Look, the bottom line is truth, facts and reality are on my side. You will have to develop the things that counter these things if you want to win. Just take a look at how Rove does it.