Finn d'Abuzz wrote:OCCOM BILL wrote:Finn d'Abuzz wrote:Let's Be Friends with Syria
It would drive the Iranians crazy.
By James S. Robbins
Interesting idea... thanks for posting it. I don't know how we could in good conscience enter a non-aggression pact with a Assad, without which, the idea seems untenable. I would very much like to see some loud discussion in this direction, however. At some point, witnessing the stick on your neighbors should make the carrot more enticing. It would be a very good to display some carrot-sharing to remind the peoples in the area we're not ALL stick.
It does seem that there is more than a little substance to the suggestion that by waving our stick at Syria, we have chased it into the arms of Iran. I am quite against the Realist approach of the past that had us allied with dictators on the premise that they were the only way to provide stability in a strategically important region, (The failure of that approach is starkly evidenced by our ongoing bloody battle with Islamic terrorist groups and the looming problem of Iran), and yet it is clear that we cannot go to war with every oppressive regime in the Middle East (let alone the world), and that we do not, alone, have the economic power to pressure them, through sanctions, into submission.
As importantly, success in Iraq is absolutely imperative to our longer term strategy in the region, and we need to be extremely careful that all of our actions support that effort and do not detract from it.
One way or the other, Syria must be dealt with. I certainly do not suggest that they should be wooed with flowers and candy, but threats, and certainly idle ones, alone don't seem to be working and may have led to an unintended consequence - alliance with Iran. As you've noted, they need to see that there is a carrot as well as a stick.
As a sidebar: It always amuses me when folks like JTT simultaneously abhor this nation's past practice of allying with dictators, and its current practice of confronting them.
What is the Third Way? Do nothing.
No meddling...unless, of course, it can be done with altruistic intent. Like Christian Missionaries in Asia, Africa and South America?

I try not to bother with the "blame America first" committee, but fail in not doing so, frequently. I think we all recognize some of our past performance as deplorable... but some recognize that past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. I am, rapidly, losing faith in Bush to really light this fire, but remain grateful for his courage to engage the enemy. It is, IMO, the enemy of man-kind... and an important first step.
I disagree with your assessment that "we cannot go to war with every oppressive regime in the Middle East (let alone the world)". If, and it's a big if, we were to stop at removing Saddam Hussein, then I would agree that it is paramount we leave a healthy, sustainable democracy in our wake. As great of accomplishment as this would be, I would consider it a tiny Band-Aid on a gaping wound.
My preference would be to have given them a chance to hop on the treadmill on their own, with the serious, undeniable threat that should they fail to do so, their A$$ gets kicked again. Then, instead of getting bogged down trying to win the peace, moved on to the next enemy of humanity that could be taken down easily from afar (Syria), all the while threatening Iran... who would probably have balked anyway... but then merely provided yet another simple target to destroy.
I wholeheartedly believe that people of all faiths and nationalities are united in wanting little more than a shot at a decent lot in life and an ability to provide for their families. Tolerance and ashamedly alliances with the deniers of same, has brought the most successful nation the world has ever known to become the enemy of too many. Currently, our superior strength, weaponry and wealth sustain our dominance. But for how long? Poor, hungry people will always rebel and rightly so. It is long since time for the United States to use it's superior strength to destroy the enemies of freedom for all people, because only then could we truly enjoy peace.
We currently have the technological superiority to destroy every oppressive regime on earth... and I believe if that was our stated goal, intention, and what we truly strived for: the oppressed people would get the message and learn to appreciate it. Iraq was no match, militarily, and neither is any other oppressor on earth. Kick their a$$es, from afar, routinely, and I believe we would very soon see leaders who actually care about their people. Who really wants to be the next Saddam, Uday or Qusay?
I truly believe that the rate technology is outpacing humanity the opportunity to solve the world's petty problems is rapidly sliding shut. We will soon suffer monstrous consequences if we continue to ignore the suffering of the many.
I strongly suspect Israel is thinking the same, and I hope like hell we join the good fight before it's too late. Lil Kim needs to witness this... and moreover so does China... and so does Putin. We're not in a Cold War Climate now... but realistically... how long does anyone think before we are again? And does anyone really think the Mullahs will be as incredibly responsible as even the Soviets were?