Well, you are very loose in your terminology and incorrect on several points. But, just to focus on the main ones -
1) This was a controlled environment and as the article says glucose was introduced into the environment. What else was introduced by accident?
The fact that it was a controlled environment is immaterial; it exactly replicates many such environments in nature. Additionally, there is no evidence that anything else was introduced by accident, so there is no legitimacy to your claim that there would have been, and no science behind the idea whatsoever.
2) E-coli for (supposed millions of years) has not had this ability. How then in one test tube in one controlled experiment did this occur . The article states
The bacteria evolved to fit their environment. It is likely that in the natural environment, it was not necessary for the bacteria to evolve to do so, or there are side-effects which make that bacteria less competitive in the long run, which we haven't yet observed.
These are exceedingly easy to answer questions if you bother to look at them objectively.
4) The acquired ability does not in any way disprove the existence of existing DNA. The possibility of an inverse chromosome or other mutation within the genetic code was not disproven.
An inverse chromosome which provides an evolutionary advantage, and then breeds true,
is evolution of a species. You will note that this is consistent with evolutionary theory.
I do not believe I misunderstand it at all. Even the article you provided attempted to say that NEW genetic information had been introduced to the species. For simple life forms to "evolve" into more complex life forms there must be new genetic information introduced to the process. I agree that for "evolution" to work it
1) there must be new genetic information introduced to an existing species
2) It must occur through random natural processes.
You discount the modern science which has disproven both 1 and 2. I refer you to Farmerman's above posts for excellent research you can do to learn the facts about this research.
Because I require it for evidence. Its a personal stipulation. I believe evolution is weak in this area and those who would make excuses must concede that fact. Of the millions of fossils that we have found, there are only a few (Lucy, archeoptrix, the monkey) that anyone even tries to attempt to call a transitional species. And whats more, many fossils show NO change in the species over hundreds of thousands of years. Many scientists do not agree with the "leap hypothesis". And even those so called leaps occur over thousands of years. There just should be more evidence.
First, there are very few scientists who disagree with modern evolutionary theory at all. There is just too much evidence on the side of the theory and very little on the converse side.
There are thousands of species labeled as 'transitional' forms which you apparently are unaware of. It is not 'a few.' There are a few famous ones, but a lack of research into this issue on your part does not provide proof that they don't exist.
For example, let us take the modern horse. We know of hundreds, if not thousands, of precursors to this modern mammal; we can watch the Hoof evolve over time on these animals. I would suggest spending some time in Natural History museums looking at skeletons and measuring their change over time if you want to see the gigantic variety of transitional forms out there.
Quote:Actually applying scientific principles to the supernatural is not possible. Because they are not observable and repeatable.
In that case, you will stop using the terms 'hypothesis' and 'theory' in respect to Intelligent design. These are very well-defined scientific terms which imply certain things not testable or provable when it comes to the 'supernatural.' Intelligent design has nothing to do with science whatsoever, is not a 'competing theory' with evolution, and has no place in any classroom discussing science at all. It is antithetical to the idea of science itself.
Quote:The complexity of a single cell is so complex and so balanced that just one small glitch and the evolution process was destroyed and must start over again.
Even in your closing paragraph, you make basic mistakes re: the nature of evolution and the evolutionary process, for what you have written above is clearly untrue.
I implore, if you wish to continue discussing this topic with people who are on the other side of the fence than you, please - do some further research, and as FM stated, not on Intelligent Design websites. Try arguing the other side of the equation for a while. At the very least, the quality of your argumentation is sure to rise.