Whether you like it or not this nation was built on Judeo-Christian Principles. No amount of revisionist history can change that. In reading your post again you are correct that you do not clearly say that you assume superior intelligence. I stand corrected. However your tone and insults
are personal attacks. Your beliefs are clearly shown in your comments and phrasing. Using the phrase "your boy god" is a personal attack on my belief system an on me personally because you demean my God. There are much better and more respectful ways to express your view that you do not believe that God exists than personally attacking such a deeply personal and held belief by insulting that belief.
Set "I certainly do deride the belief of anyone who accepts every word of the bible as literal "gospel" truth, and it is to those who have such unwavering belief that i address remarks about the morally scurrilous character of the principle actors in the text, and the cartoon-like god described therein."
You have your right to question the Bible and what you perceive (incorrectly) to be its message. You are very misinformed if you believe that those of us who do believe the Bible is the inspired word of God do not recognize the fallibility of its characters. Moses was a murderer, King David was an adulterer, Solomon had 700 wives, Peter denied Christ, Saul (Apostle Paul) murdered Christians. Are any of these behaviors excused at all? Absolutely not!. They were SIN. But that’s the whole point, Man is Evil. He is Sinful. Just because you do not understand the Scriptures in the way we do does not mean we are any less than anyone else or should be the subject of derision.
Since you like definitions:
de⋅ride /dɪˈraɪd/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [di-rahyd] Show IPA
"verb (used with object), -rid⋅ed, -rid⋅ing. to laugh at in scorn or contempt; scoff or jeer at; mock.
To mock or laugh at one in scorn or contempt shows that the one doing the mocking, laughing or contempt has an attitude behind it. What is your attitude Set? Is it one of hate? or maybe one of intellectual superiority? Maybe its one of fear? I have no idea. I tend to think all three are possibilities.
I do not mock your belief, I believe you have come to a decision to reject God through your own personal trials, studies and evidence thresholds. Just as I have come to decide through my own life trials, studies and for me the threshold of evidence required to believe that God exists has been met.
Set "i have no good reason to believe that i will ever be subject to such an accounting. It is a measure of how unable
you are to understand others that you haven't realized that."
I fully understand that you do not believe in God. I fully understand that since you do not believe in God that you have no reason to feel that you are accountable to anyone or anything. This is your prerogative and as I said I leave you to it. But what you fail to understand that “understanding" another’s belief does not mean it is truth? I am a believer in absolutes. I believe that there is one truth. So whether or not you believe you will be accountable really has no affect on me, as I believe you will. Because I disagree with you does not mean that I fail to understand your belief, or "realize" that others differ.
Set "Once again, it is glaringly obvious that you are the one who is unable to imagine a divergent point of view"
I am not sure how you can come to this conclusion? I can clearly understand your point of view. I have been at the place where I have questioned the existence of God. The evidence that I needed to make an informed decision was met and I chose a different path than you. Because I do believe there is a God there is no way that I can "Accept" your belief system as truth, but can tolerate it and accept your rights to believe as you wish. What you fail to understand is that my God has commanded me to reach out to those who do not know Him and to let them know that He is there. Once I feel that the Spirit has led me to believe that the person is not willing to discuss the Lord with them any longer then I am released from that command. Mth 7:6.
Set: "Once again, it is glaringly obvious that you are the one who is unable to imagine a divergent point of view, or to understand how someone would arrive at such conclusions. I came back to this thread because i had seen that Neo had posted. He and i come from the same childhood religious background. My response was to abandon religion. His was to at first abandon religion, and then to take up a different religious belief set. He and i manage to get along. I suppose that you and i could manage to get along, too . . . but i doubt it--you're too intolerant of those who don't see things your way. "
Now you make assumptions. You do not know what I believe. You do not know who my friends are and you do not know anything about me or how I have come to the decisions I have. One of my dearest friends is an Atheist; I have numerous friends who are agnostic or live lifestyles contrary to my belief system. To be perfectly honest I have such a diverse group of friends and acquaintances I consider myself very blessed to see such a diverse group of viewpoints.
Everything I gleaned from your post was that you take an aggressive stance against Christianity and God. If your deepest and most personal belief were referred to as "your boy god" or a "fairy tale", I think you would glean the same.
As for my statement about arrogance, to me any person with finite knowledge who can declaratively state "There is no God" has to be doing so out of arrogance. Of all the knowledge in the universe from eternity past and for all the knowledge yet to be learned in eternity future, I don't think any human can declare absolutely that there is no God. To me that is arrogance. I make no apologies. Feeble finite humans making such a declaration, when mankind has barely scratched the surface of knowledge of the universe is arrogant.
ar⋅ro⋅gant /ˈærəgənt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ar-uh-guhnt] Show IPA
"adjective 1. making claims or pretensions to superior importance or rights; overbearingly assuming; insolently proud: an arrogant public official.
1. presumptuous, haughty, imperious, brazen.
In other words mankind is arrogant to declare such knowledge that he has not proven with his limited knowledge.
Because of your comments about "boy god" and “fairy tale" I believe I am safe to assume you do not believe in God. This is your right.
And just to add a bit, My belief in God did not come from blind faith. It comes from gut wrenching study and hard cold evidence that for ME is more than enough to come to the conclusion that this universe and all within it were designed by an incredible intelligence. I choose to believe that this "Intelligence" has revealed Himself in the Bible.
I pray that you find happiness in this life, and I can only hope that you find it in the life to come.