DrewDad wrote:
Only enforcing your instructions some of the time is a recipe for disaster.
ding ding ding!
That is exactly what I think I have been doing.
I watched my reactions for the rest of the day, and had the Mister do the same thing .
We both realized that what ever we needed her to do right then was only important ( according to our tone of voice) for the first 2 requests.
After that it was more of a plea bargain.
Exactly what I told myself I would not do because I would end up where I am right now.
Quote:Don't talk. Act. Tell her once. Then get up, cross the room and physically stop the objectionable behavior.
I will give this a 100% effort for 2 weeks and get back to ya.
I bet you anything , that is the number one problem solver .
Simply because, as I said.. I demand, then plea.
The plea is what makes Bean laugh because.. I think it sort of confuses her and makes her a bit nervous.
At 2, nerves come out as laughter alot of times.
I did actualy swat her on the butt 2 days ago.
I felt strange..
We were in the parking lot of Barton Creek mall. HUGE lot... and she is walking next to me, holding my hand as usual.
I feel her wiggle free, wich is nto usually so easy if I were not also pulling out my keys too.. and she ran down the parking lot isle.
Close to the cars thank goodness.. but all the same..
I chased after her and almost yelled " STOP RUNNING NOW".
I caught her arm and swatted her diaper.
Not hard, but she knew I hit her.
And she did stop..... right then.
I explained to her running rules.. blah blah blah..
but I felt bad.
It scared me that any car could have backed out right then and not seen her.
Or some speeding teenager could have swerved and hit her.
this is the big reason that this repeating has to stop..