I must not have explained well enough in the original post, or some of you are being deliberately obtuse. The phrase
"U.S. Armed Forces serving heroically in Iraq to provide all Iraqis a better future." implies, to me, a native English speaker, that it is better for us to be there than not. Meanwhile, the previously stated position of the Congressional Democratic leadership runs something like this:
Quote:Murtha, a former Marine who initially supported the war, announced two weeks ago that he no longer supported the conflict in Iraq and called for a rapid withdrawal of American troops from the region.
"He knows of what he speaks," Pelosi said of Murtha. "I believe the plan he has put forth makes America safer, our military stronger and Iraq more secure."
I noted that the Democrats might not all be on the same page. But I would hope that their leaders of the Senate and House might be.....wouldn't you?
Those entities might well be "lumped" together, it seems to me.
There isn't any doubt that this is "politics". Fortunately, it is also an idealogical crack big enough to drive a Ford Expediton through, and I hope the Republicans do. It reminds me of Kerry's prevarications, and I am sure many others will make that connection as well.