Quote:If your belief is so weak that it will not stand against the criticisms i level, then i submit to you that your belief is not worth having
I think i said you were offending people and mocking their beliefs, i did not say that my belief would not stand against your denial. As for responding to your criticisms, you wouldnt accept
my refutal of
your criticisms; because my belief is fastened by somthing much stronger than any historical knowledge, which changes all the time with new discoveries. My belief is grounded on what we call
"Mysterium Fidei" The Mystery of Faith.
In my missal there is a quote from somewhere (im not sure where) and a comment:
"'The judgements of the Lord are true, justified in themselves.' My judgements are to be feared, not to be discussed, because they are incomprehensible to human understanding"
-- The New Marian Missal
+ Imprimatur: L. Suenens, vic. gen.
Mechliniae, die 15 maii 1958
Therefore, I will try to refrain from discussing further.