Not sure how it became "teenaged boys" -- the group was a 12-year-old
girl, a guy who I assumed was her dad (mid 30's?), a 4-year-old girl who I assumed was her little sister, a woman I assumed was the girls' mother (also mid-30's-ish), and then one extra guy who I thought was about college-aged but sozlet was calling a "kid". I can't imagine that he was younger than 16, but I dunno.
Sozlet actually was being actively pursued by two kids her age throughout on Saturday (we came in with one of them and this girl and sozlet were playing until the 12-yr-old reappeared; the girl then kept trying to get sozlet to play with her and another friend, but sozlet wasn't interested [that's another layer, I didn't like how brusque she was, but that's going in a whole other new direction...]) Sozlet just
enjoyed playing with the girls in the family, and the rest of them were just part of that group.
Anyway, to catch up with some stuff:
Chai Tea wrote: Soz, (and everybody really), I would recommend a book to everyone to read
..It's called "The Gift of Fear" It's all about listening to that little voice that's saying "something's not right" and how we tell that voice to be quiet.
It wasn't as if I learned anything new as far a technique in handling people, but the validation of knowing that little twinge you get means something
.pay attention to it.
The problem with that is that the little voice has been yammering nonstop about the kid since, oh, the second trimester or so.

I listen to the voice re: myself, that works, but re: the kid the thing cries wolf all the damn time. (FreeDuck said this, too.) "Omigod, that person just sneezed, if I let him pick up the baby she'll get pneumonia, I just know it!" "Omigod, she's going to roll off the bed and get a concussion, I just know it!!" "Omigod, where is she, I don't see her anywhere in the yard, she's been kidnapped, I just know it!!! Oh, there she is behind the garage."
This is all internal, mind you, I do my utmost to wrestle it into the rational realm and not let it translate to actions. Sozlet was recently doing impressions of me and E.G., and when she was E.G. she said, "BE CAREFUL!" and when she was me she said, "Oh, it's
fine, don't worry."
Noddy, no contact with the dad-type or cousin (as I'll call him) out of the water, no. That was mostly the 12-year-old with the 4-year-old meandering in and out, but not much conversation and no physical contact with anyone else.
Linkat, I think the dad-type was the dad to at least one of the girls -- I think the 4-year-old, and then the 12-year-old was an extended family member or neighbor or something. The line I mentioned as clicking later is when I asked the 12-year-old if she'd be there the next day (she'd just asked us if I would be) and she said no, and then added, "well those guys might be but I won't." So I think she's out of the central famiy unit, which I
think is mom-type, dad-type, and 4-year-old.
These people definitely checked first before feeding sozlet, they didn't really do anything wrong there; I hate being in the position of being a meanie or encouraging mooching, even if the people volunteer and she didn't even ask, but they handled that part just fine.
We went to the pool today, they weren't there, had fun, sozlet played with two friends (people she already knows and saw at the pool). A mom I was talking to commented (in a positive way) on how fearless sozlet is, and I said, "I know" kind of ruefully, which she picked up on and added, "...though of course you want them to be safe, too..." and I said, "speaking of which, what do you think about this situation...?" She winced and echoed my general discomfort, but then her younger son started going crazy so she had to go deal with him. She's someone I know well so we can follow up later.
Anyway, I think all the pieces are in place to deal with this, I'll let you guys know what happens.
Thanks again!