Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2006 01:04 pm
Doktor S wrote:

But stop trying to pretend that asserting that there is no spiritual component is any more logical than asserting that there is.

Ok, let's do logic then.
a:There is no evidence, though thousands of years of recorded history, of anything supernatural.
b: There is nothing known that requires a supernatural explanation to exist.
c: Everything known exists within the material (read - non spiritual) realm.
d: Most 'supernatural' beliefs can be traced back to something material.

Now, if you accept these 4 premises as true, the conclusion that it is highly unlikely the supernatural exists seems quite reasonable.

Allow me to laugh at this bit of silliness a bit more thoroughly.

a:There is no evidence, though thousands of years of recorded history, of anything supernatural.

How the hell do you know there is NO EVIDENCE of anything supernatural???

Are you simply, for self-interest purposes, defining all evidence as being of a non-supernatural nature?

And what makes you pretend that this has anything to do with logic?

b: There is nothing known that requires a supernatural explanation to exist.

I already mentioned that. But simply because there is nothing that requires it is not evidence that it doesn't exist.

c: Everything known exists within the material (read - non spiritual) realm.

Do you just make this shyt up by yourself...or do you have help???

How the hell do you know that everything known exists withing the non-spiritual realm????

What incredible self-serving pap.

Are you offering it as logic as a joke?

d: Most 'supernatural' beliefs can be traced back to something material.

Read that one again...and if you don't laugh out have no sense of humor.
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2006 01:06 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Doktor S wrote:

But stop trying to pretend that asserting that there is no spiritual component is any more logical than asserting that there is.

Ok, let's do logic then.
a:There is no evidence, though thousands of years of recorded history, of anything supernatural.
b: There is nothing known that requires a supernatural explanation to exist.
c: Everything known exists within the material (read - non spiritual) realm.
d: Most 'supernatural' beliefs can be traced back to something material.

Now, if you accept these 4 premises as true, the conclusion that it is highly unlikely the supernatural exists seems quite reasonable.

Why on Earth would anyone with a brain accept those self-serving psuedo-premises?????


Ok then, which of those premises do you not agree with, and why?
Surprise me and articulate an argument for once.(please save the 'omgzorz you can't know the NATURE OF REALITY' stuff for a future post) Since you claim to be highly intelligent, it shouldn't be hard for you.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2006 01:07 pm
Setanta wrote:
There is no good reason to assert that there is any sentient life on any of the 60 stars closest to our star. Absent evidence to that effect, there is no good reason to assume that there is.

The use of the concept of "need" here is being perverted for sake of your simple-minded thesis. If the only basis upon which one can advance the concept of a deity is the mere existence of the cosmos, then the principle of the simplest explanation kicks in, and there is no "need" for a deity as first cause.

In the matter of whether or not there is sentient life on a planet orbiting any of the 60 nearest stars to our star, however, circumstances of argumentation are radically different. We know, for example, that life has arisen on at least one planet in the cosmos, so it is a less implausible contention that it might arise elsewhere than that there is an anthropomorphic deity which created the cosmos, as we have no exemplary corolaries to which we can refer, as is the case in the rise of sentient life on a planet.

However, you are absolutely correct to state that there is no good reason to assume that there is sentient life on any planet orbiting any of the 60 stars nearest to our "home" star. If one were to speculate, however, one does have an example of the rise of sentient life upon which to base a speculation--a condition which does not apply to assertions about the existence of a deity.

When one approaches an intersection with a traffic light which is green, one proceeds on an assumption that cross-traffic will stop. This is an act of faith really, because they might not (i came literally within inches of being killed one night in such a circumstance). However, it is informed faith, as opposed to blind faith.

You always fail to make a distinction between acts of informed faith and acts of blind faith. Furthermore, your attempt to construct an analogy from the rise of sentient life fails miserably.

Set...there is absolutely no good reason to assert there is sentient life on any of the planets circling the 60 suns closest to our Sol..

...and there is absolutely no good reason to assert there is no sentient life on those planets.

Either would be wild speculation...guesswork based on damn near nothing.

That is the way it is with atheistic and theistic guesses about REALITY.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2006 01:08 pm
Mind the sticks, now, kids -

And both Set and Frank know what that means Mr. Green
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2006 01:09 pm
And anyone silly enough to pretend that saying: "I do not know if there is sentient life on any of those planets... do not know if there is no sentient life on any of those planets...

...and I do not have enough evidence upon which to base a meaningful guess about the issue".. not superior to a guess that there is or a guess that there is not...

...simply is playing with himself.

And do not think that because one has to be correct changes that fact. It doesn't.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2006 01:10 pm
Doktor S wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Doktor S wrote:

But stop trying to pretend that asserting that there is no spiritual component is any more logical than asserting that there is.

Ok, let's do logic then.
a:There is no evidence, though thousands of years of recorded history, of anything supernatural.
b: There is nothing known that requires a supernatural explanation to exist.
c: Everything known exists within the material (read - non spiritual) realm.
d: Most 'supernatural' beliefs can be traced back to something material.

Now, if you accept these 4 premises as true, the conclusion that it is highly unlikely the supernatural exists seems quite reasonable.

Why on Earth would anyone with a brain accept those self-serving psuedo-premises?????


Ok then, which of those premises do you not agree with, and why?
Surprise me and articulate an argument for once.(please save the 'omgzorz you can't know the NATURE OF REALITY' stuff for a future post) Since you claim to be highly intelligent, it shouldn't be hard for you.

Already did it.
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2006 01:29 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:

a:There is no evidence, though thousands of years of recorded history, of anything supernatural.

How the hell do you know there is NO EVIDENCE of anything supernatural???

Point me to forensically sound documentation of anything supernatural? if not, my premise stands.


Are you simply, for self-interest purposes, defining all evidence as being of a non-supernatural nature?

What other kind is there? Until you can show another kind exists, my premise stands.

And what makes you pretend that this has anything to do with logic?

It's a premise. Do try to keep up.

b: There is nothing known that requires a supernatural explanation to exist.

I already mentioned that. But simply because there is nothing that requires it is not evidence that it doesn't exist.

That's nice. I didn't claim this as evidence, only as a logical premise to a conclusion. Have you studied logic at all? :/

c: Everything known exists within the material (read - non spiritual) realm.

Do you just make this shyt up by yourself...or do you have help???

How the hell do you know that everything known exists withing the non-spiritual realm????

Prove me wrong. Show me evidence of anything supernatural. If you can't, my premise stands.

d: Most 'supernatural' beliefs can be traced back to something material.

Read that one again...and if you don't laugh out have no sense of humor.

Har..oh wait no.
Belief in god in people today can be easily traced to the bible, and the society we live in which tends to enshrine it.
You name a supernatural belief, it can be traced back to a physical cause.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2006 01:53 pm
Doktor S wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:

a:There is no evidence, though thousands of years of recorded history, of anything supernatural.

How the hell do you know there is NO EVIDENCE of anything supernatural???

Point me to forensically sound documentation of anything supernatural? if not, my premise stands.

You are asserting there is no evidence of anything supernatural.

The burden of proof is on you.

Please prove your assertion...or eliminate it.

In logic, one does not simply assert a premise. The premise must be established.

Establish that premise...that there is no evidence of anything supernatural.



Are you simply, for self-interest purposes, defining all evidence as being of a non-supernatural nature?

What other kind is there? Until you can show another kind exists, my premise stands.

You obviously are not up to a logical argument.

That is not the way things work, Doc.

If you are going to assert a must establish it. It is not enough to say: "If you cannot show the alternate, my assertion stands."



And what makes you pretend that this has anything to do with logic?

It's a premise. Do try to keep up.

Take your own advice. Try to keep up. You have not established your "premise." It is merely an assertion...and I ask again: what makes you pretend that this has anything to do with logic?



b: There is nothing known that requires a supernatural explanation to exist.

I already mentioned that. But simply because there is nothing that requires it is not evidence that it doesn't exist.

That's nice. I didn't claim this as evidence, only as a logical premise to a conclusion. Have you studied logic at all? :/

It is not is not a premise...and I do not know what a "premise to a conclusion" is.

I have studied logic. Are you going to touch on logic at some point?



c: Everything known exists within the material (read - non spiritual) realm.

Do you just make this shyt up by yourself...or do you have help???

How the hell do you know that everything known exists withing the non-spiritual realm????

Prove me wrong. Show me evidence of anything supernatural. If you can't, my premise stands.


Even Set must be smarting from this stupidity. Keep it up and he's gonna ask you to be on someone else's side.

For the record...and for the third does not make an assertion and call it a premise and ask someone else to prove it wrong.

You bear the burden for establishing your premises.



d: Most 'supernatural' beliefs can be traced back to something material.

Read that one again...and if you don't laugh out have no sense of humor.

Har..oh wait no.
Belief in god in people today can be easily traced to the bible, and the society we live in which tends to enshrine it.
You name a supernatural belief, it can be traced back to a physical cause.

Read that idiotic line again...and enjoy it. It is a knee slapper.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2006 02:08 pm
Setanta wrote:
You need to get over your PM obsession Snood . . . once you subtract Frank's personal attacks (which leaves you with nothing more than his sing-song assertions, unfortunately), it does happen to be on topic for this thread.

Hey, happy 4th to you too, Set.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2006 03:58 pm
Interesting, atheists assume nothing exists because they haven't seen itor seen evidence of it, and they also assume agnostics require evidence to prove it exists before they can say they don't know either way. Well if that wasn't the argument, then you tell me. How can you argue that something doesn't exisit without undeniable proof, just because you believe its not there doesn't mean it isn't there, unless there is undeniable proof.

So God, Unicorns, and fairies don't exist, you can only say undeniably that they don't exist in front of you, in your dimensions, but do you live on every planet in the solar system, or in the dimensions that quantum physics say "may" exist, or is quantum physics aload of rubish because you know nothing of it, hence it doesn't exist also.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2006 04:01 pm
We only assume that constructs of the human imagination do not exist in reality. Everything else considered on its own merit.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2006 04:07 pm
Human imagination is also a dangerous place

edgarblythe wrote:
We only assume that constructs of the human imagination do not exist in reality. Everything else considered on its own merit.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2006 04:09 pm
It is a source of murder and mayhem; alternately sublimity.
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2006 07:53 pm
That you do not understand why the burden of proof always lies with the affirmative claim is a critical flaw in your 'logic'. It is partially why you are stuck in your self imposed rut of ignorance.
It must suck to be unable to make a judgement for the crippling fear of being wrong. I pity you.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 5 Jul, 2006 02:38 am
Doktor S wrote:
That you do not understand why the burden of proof always lies with the affirmative claim is a critical flaw in your 'logic'.

You are the one claiming to be working a "logic" problem here...and it is obvious you do not know what in hell you are doing.

The theists assert there is a God.

You atheists...the ones with some balls, not actually you...assert there are no gods.

The theists have a burden of responsibility to provide proof of their asssertion.

The atheists have a burden of reponsibility to provide proof of their assertion.

You want to make an assertion and pretend it is not an assertion so that you do not bear the burden of proof.

You are pathetic in attempting that.

Grow some balls and then come back and play with the adults.


It is partially why you are stuck in your self imposed rut of ignorance.

You are ignorant.

I am merely acknowledging that I do not know the answers to questions I do not know the answers to.

It must suck to be unable to make a judgement for the crippling fear of being wrong.

Son, I've made judgements that would cause you to shyt your diapers.

I am the one displaying a lack of fear...because I am willing to acknowledge I do not know what the REALITY is...and I do not have enough evidence upon which to base a meaningful guess.

You are all over the place...and your fears of acknowledging that you do not know...and that the evidence is not sufficient for the stock you are putting in your childish guess on this issue...can be felt over the Internet.

By the are a pathetic advocate for your position. You would do it more benefit by simply staying out of discussions of this sort.

I pity you.

Oh, I just love a good laugh in the morning.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Jul, 2006 04:45 am
I will concede one thing to you, Frank. You truly don't know shyt.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 5 Jul, 2006 07:48 am
edgarblythe wrote:
I will concede one thing to you, Frank. You truly don't know shyt.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Jul, 2006 07:57 am
The best thing about arguing with Frank is that I always win because I don't bother arguing with Frank, I'm a simple minded atheist who knows his ****. (he also owes me dinner (the scum-bag))
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 5 Jul, 2006 08:50 am
dyslexia wrote:
The best thing about arguing with Frank is that I always win because I don't bother arguing with Frank, I'm a simple minded atheist who knows his ****. (he also owes me dinner (the scum-bag))

It's Mr. Scum-bag to you!

You've got a better chance of becoming president than getting that dinner.


...your post would have made more sense if you had put a period after the words "simple minded."

Eat that...and tell me if its shyt.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Jul, 2006 08:54 am
Yes sir! I want ravioli.
0 Replies

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