Doktor S wrote:Quote:
And when atheists make an assertive or affirmative claim about gods not existing...they assume a burden of proof.
Exactly. The key is being able to distinguish between the assertion
'there can not be gods, it is impossible!' and the assertion
' there is no evidence of any gods, come back later when you have some.'
The latter, I would think, describes most atheists.
I know, I know, you like the word 'agnostic'. I find it insulting. Other than this we basicly see eye to eye here.
Most real atheists see it as the former...rather than the latter. In fact, until Thomas Huxley coined the term "agnostic"...just about every atheist on the planet (at least all who wrote about the issue) saw it that way.
The agnostic position woke SOME atheists up to the absurdity of their position...and the fact that if the asserted their atheism the former way...they opened themselves up to a demand for proof of their rather than change to agnostic...some atheists simply took the agnotic position but cowardly retained the atheist designation.
EdgarBlythe and ci...for instance...ASSERT THERE ARE NO GODS.
My arguments here are not with the atheists who simply don't have the guts to proclaim their agnosticism...but with the real atheists.