Re: Whyare there a lot of white hair?
feixueliuyun wrote:hello:
I am a 22 years old Chinese girl .I don't know why there are a lot of white hair .I am worried .Can you help me ?
I got my first shock of White hair at 18. 2 or 3 soon turned into 20 and was mildly salt and pepper by late 20's. My sister, who is blonde, experienced the exact same thing at the exact same time. Even the initial shock was in the same place. At 38, I'm very much salt and pepper, but thus far I still don't care. Tremendously good health all of my life (thus far) so other than appearance, you have nothing to worry about. Women have pretty much always loved it, so no worries there, either. I'm picturing bits of white hair on the usually jet black background of Chinese hair... and frankly it sounds sexy as hell... in a Nadine Cross kind of way. Like it, or dye it, but you have nothing to worry about.