who's gonna clean up this poop?
dyslexia wrote:who's gonna clean up this poop?
Several poopity heads come to mind for that chore....
I'm just waiting in the wings, watching as all of you hang yourselves. Poopity heads.
Frank Apisa wrote:I'm reporting all of yez for not mentioning me by name.
What in hell is the matter with you buncha morons????
I'm reporting you for not appearing here more often and calling us morons.
Frank Apisa wrote:Intrepid wrote:Setanta should be reported for not mentioning Frank by name..
Can you report someone for trying to start trouble?
I think "YES!" And I am reporting you, Billy.
I am reporting you for shouting in a quiet zone and confusing me with a goat.
Phoenix32890 wrote:Now, we need to look at the issue this way. If we are ALL poopity heads, we have no reason to report anybody. We will sail along, in our poopity head splendor, completly heedless and mindless of the non-poopity heads who inhabit the rest of our planet.
Now, if we could all get together, and reproduce, (this is in the interest of science, for the benefit of you smirking smartasses) us poopity heads could one day rule the world, and to hell with everyone else.
So who would be the poopity-est of the poopity heads ? We need a ruler
Shewolf asked: "So who would be the poopity-est of the poopity heads ? We need a ruler?"
How do you measure a poopity head's head with a flat 12-inch ruler?
I'm going to report you for not thinking outside the box.
Think critical mass and fission, Nimh.