Linkin Park is pretty good. I like Meteora a lot. The lyrics seem to be more introspective as opposed to hybrid theory's angst stuff. Kind of like the progression of Staind. There very first album, Tormented, (before they were signed) is depressing. The lyrics were written at a time where Aaron was still into drugs (listen to 4 Walls). The next album(Dysfunction) was dealing with all the issues associated with coming clean, then came Break the Cycle, which was dealing with all the **** from Aaron's past. Now we have 14 Shades of Grey which is much more introspective and less angry.
Here are the lyrics to "4 Walls" they're depressing
4 Walls
The thoughts from my mind
Command my lips say I hate you
The thoughts from my mind
Command my hands to cut your silken flesh
The thoughts from my mind
Command my feet to stomp your head
The thoughts from my mind have one question...
When will this ever end?
Not much to the life I live
Same 4 Walls
I have nothing left to give
Please take it all away....
Same 4 Walls
The thoughts from my mind
Feel the pain as rats claw at my flesh
The thoughts from my mind
Feels the joy as the needls hits my vein
The thoughts from my mind
Smells the stench as **** runs down my leg
The thoughts from my mind ask for sanity
Now for this I beg
The thoughts from my mind
Command my lips say I hate you
The thoughts from my mind
Command my hands to cut your silken flesh
The thoughts from my mind
Command my feet to stomp your head
The thoughts from my mind have one question...
Linkin Park?
I'm 17 and I think they're one of the best bands in the world! But I prefer Evanescence
Child of the Light ~ 'LP now sucks'. Interesting comment. And I'm trying very hard to ignore my initial reaction.....relax, breathe.....ahem.....
At least in my listening area, they have made a name for themselves and are well respected in the alternative music venue as well as mainstream.
At 38 years old, I vividly remember my teen-age son and I both instantly enjoying LP's music/lyrics/style ~ we have their first cd.
What's the problem?
Cursing in media
I have to agree in some aspects of what you guys have been saying, and disagree as well. I believe that cursing can be useful to express emotion and other things as well, but its often just thrown around and completely used the wrong way... for example... i cant stand that song by sum 41, but i love Lewis Black's comedy (he swears often in his jokes). Its just the way you use it... i have grown up watching South Park and all the so called "disgusting" "trash" or whatever bs people say, and i have grown up just fine. It is just the way that a parent or guardian explains the words and gives a good example to follow by. If the parent of a child going through this common phase is constantly swearing... the kid might take it the wrong way. anyway, swearing isn't bad in some cases
oohhh, by the way... im only 15, lol, i think all you moms who are 40 and know their way around the computer are cool... unlike my mom... she couldnt tell a computer from a cardboard box, but i still love her for her true wisdom...
Rae wrote:Child of the Light ~ 'LP now sucks'. Interesting comment. And I'm trying very hard to ignore my initial reaction.....relax, breathe.....ahem.....
At least in my listening area, they have made a name for themselves and are well respected in the alternative music venue as well as mainstream.
At 38 years old, I vividly remember my teen-age son and I both instantly enjoying LP's music/lyrics/style ~ we have their first cd.
What's the problem?
In my opinion, their guitar riffs are bad, their lyrics are laughable, and their overall skill as a band is lacking.
i realy like linkn park... i think if parents read their lyrics, thy would be able to understand their teens better...
its comforting to read their lyrics, to know i'm not the only one who feels that way...
i love linkin park
chester's scream is out of control
Parents would understand their teens? Not all teens are faced with the most stereotypical problems you can name.
they aren't the most stereotypical problems you can came. if you want that, go to nsync and britney spears.
but it's rather pointless to argue someone out of personal taste, :wink:
innie wrote:they aren't the most stereotypical problems you can came. if you want that, go to nsync and britney spears.
but it's rather pointless to argue someone out of personal taste, :wink:

N'SYNC and Spears do not sing about problems, they sing about "Getting their party on" and "flippin' their twist" know stuff like that.
Not only are the lyrics stupid, but the guitar riffs are HORRIBLE and......GOD THEY SUCK!
thats lovely, child of light.
to everyone else -- i was listening to "numb" today and that is such a great song, haha i love it. i never really understood what the song was about before... but now i realize it's about a teen who is getting suffocated by his parent's wanting him to be like them, and to get the same job as them...
it's such a good song ::sigh::
hermione, evanescence is a good band too!! amy's voice sounds so great with metal! the music video to my immortal is really cool, too!
Well, I wish I could write music as badly as they do.....and I wish I were a guitarist who didn't know the difference between a riff and a rift.....and I really, really wish I made as much money as Linkin Park does.....
Considering they suck and all.
Rae wrote:Well, I wish I could write music as badly as they do.....and I wish I were a guitarist who didn't know the difference between a riff and a rift.....and I really, really wish I made as much money as Linkin Park does.....
Considering they suck and all.
Don't take it personal or anything, it's just my opinion that they suck. If you like them, that's awesome, they aren't for me though.
Not taking it personal at all, Child of the Light.
Would you give me an example of a guitar riff or bad lyrics that you find distasteful?
I'm just curious.
Anything that guy raps....especially "A Place For My Head" and the riff in "One Step Closer" is garbage along with "Crawling".
Dang, I didn't reread this entire thread, so sorry if I've mentioned this. I'm a big fan of Nine Inch Nails, especially 'The Fragile.' There was an old Not the Nine O'Clock News sketch where an anthropoligist goes on a talk show with a gorilla (played by Rowan Atkinson) who he has taught to speak. The interviewer asks the gorilla what he spends his money on. He says "Well, I'm quite fond of Johnny Mathis." The frustrated anthropoligist says "Yeah, 'When A Child is Born' blaring to all hours of the morning." The gorilla says "The production on that album is AMAZING!" Sorta how I feel about 'The Fragile.'
Well, I still don't 'get it', Child of the Light, but them's the breaks.
I love all kinds of music, but have to admit that my favorite kind is alternative. And I'm fortunate enough to live in an area that not only has a radio station to 'show-case' new artists, but the station is easily picked up anywhere in the state.
To each thine own, my friend.
I didn't like Metallica.....till I saw them in concert.
i think that anyone who doesn't like linkin park has no consept of good music. first of all... Crawling WAS the first single that they put out about 4 or 5 years ago... at least where i'm from. secondly... guitar riffs... they are riffs.. not rifts. rifts is a game and it's a lot like dungeons and dragons. i'd like to hand it to linkin park because they are one of the only bands out there right now that are so different from every other band. linkin park has a unique soundwhich sadly comes from a tacky synthesizer thing, but it works for them. they're not the first ones to use one of those anyway.. and it worked for the other guy too. i've been playing guitar for 5 years and i've been in a local band for 2. my lead singer agrees that linkin park may not be the best band out there, but they're just awesome because they chose to be different than everyone else out there.
besides! i don't see any of you making it as a band. who are you to question their capabilities?
as i re-read
as i've re-read the posts you have all put up, i've come to realize that one of you has either never actually listened to linkin park, or doesn't know reality from final fantasy.
i have some questions.. bigtime.. how exactly does linkin park sing about stereotypical problems among our youth?
i think they sing about real problems. expecially seeing as how stereotypical problems are drugs and sex which they don't sing about at all. they do however sing about making mistakes, regretting them, pushing through them, and parental oppresssion. these are things that all our children deal with, but nobody really ever sings about them. well.. alanis morrosette sang about parental oppression in her song perfect on her jagged little pill cd.
question number 2.
do you really know what angst is?
angst is the german word for fear. anger and angst, though they may be related through the fact that sometimes "fear leads to anger"(obi-wan kenobi), they are not the same thing.
all in out, i think linkin park is a positive influence for children who have made mistakes. they somehow teach that everyone can make mistakes, but that doesn't mean that it's the end of the world, and getting through them is part of life.
I don't like Linkin Park either. I think the music is pretty boring, and the lyrics don't do a great job at coveying the feeling it's supposed to. Unless the meaning is "look at me, i'm depressed", of course.