I never felt that you are trying to make me feel bad about my choices.
I am trying to analyze the science behind " running amok" so I can decide how much emphasis should be placed on that. I am against controlling or Overparenting too, so in that regard the article did not help. English is a second language for me and as much as I like it, I feel sometimes I don't understand it as well asa someone who is a native speaker and who has studied it, thus I requested help.
"First, I don't think anyone (here anyway) is arguing that there is such a thing as too much love. "
In the article there was this piece when a teacher remarked after reading the assignment "there is too much Love in this household" or something like that. That is what I was commenting at. I hope that was not said directly to the student. I would not like a teacher directly or indirectly making such a degrading comment. If there is some other meaning to that you can help me understand.
Second, the article I talked about above was a review of several recent books about parenting. I linked to one section that cited some of the science of allowing kids to have some autonomy -- why that's important.
I could not agree more about the importance of autonomy. What I am unclear about is if unsupervized socialization will promote autonomy. I feel that when kids are together for prolonged periods of time they feel a certain pressure to be alike or atleast popular. So it would curb individuality and autonomy to an extent in my opinion. I felt that I could express my autonomy and individuality more easily to elders or youngers who were open and receptive compared to the same age group where being odd was a big risk.
'Third, the concept of overparenting as laid out in the article is basically when a child's development is stunted by parents who attempt to do everything for their child -- which, in the extreme, is actually counterproductive. "
How do we determine what is Extreme, that is too subjective.
Involved parent in my mind would not do every thing but will be there for them regardless of what they do.
Again Running Amok kind of sounds cool but my real question is ,how much unsupervised socialization do they really need ?
On the other hand I feel a sense od unfairness asking this question. The question instead of being Running amok Time for our previliged children could also be should inner city under previliged children get some time away from running amok to do some scheduled activities?
I think I am too sleepy and that is why my thoughts are not making sense . will check in tomorrow!