I have been doing a lot of soul searching on this. I have no definite answers just random thoughts.
My childhood was just the opposite of yours. My mom is a homebody , cooking decorating and raising children according to her expected level of goodness seemed to please her. My Father too after work was devoted to his family his passtimes included making desserts ( I kind of wish he indulged in main courses as I have a sweet tooth and constantly struggle with weight) and sharing house hold chores with my Mom. They were immigrants(to Pakistan from India) and some how I feel their next generation was their sole focus. They were good commomsense people. A bit too analytical though !! In standard terminology you would say me and my brother turned out to be extremely good kids. Have good careers, relationships and are generally happy.
we were never allowed to run amok. I never had adventure. The closest I have been to adventure is roaming the neighborhood with friends my Mom won't approve and stealing fruit from neighbors trees. Another one I remeber is changing my Math grade on my report card somewhere in middle school and then after getting it signed by my parents when it looked fishy to be presented to the teacher I sneaked into the locked cabinet and cleared a few other report cards and destroyed them. I still remeber my teachers baffled comments " I wonder who it is who stole all of my best students Report cards"
We were lectured often ,yelled at seldom and spanked Oh maybe once that I can remeber.
I recently completed my past with myself and my parents and realized it was pretty good that they convinced me to study medicine and kept me out of trouble most of the time.
Left to my own devices I would be hanging out with unachieving free spirited minds, would have studied Liberal arts ( much more usefull in this country than mine) may be my poeticinstincts would still be intact .
I feel that my whole life lies ahead of me so if I want adventure, freedom and wildness no one in particular would stop me.
What I question though is if I was allowed to run amok in my free time would I wish today that I had more guidance and supervision.
I just picked up a book at the library " Pressured parents , stressed out kids"
I am almost near the end. What was interesting is that although parents are criticized for regimenting the kids and being " Overinvolved" the studies are showing otherwise. The more scheduled activities kids had with parental involvement , better they did later on in terms of academic achievemetn and contentment.
The author makes a critical distinction which is to make certain that the child is happy doing whatever it is that they are doing. He describes three basic elements of his approach. Autonomy, Parent involvement and structure.
I would add that it is equally important that the parent is happy doing whatever it is that they are doing.
I have failed at letting my kids run amok. I have tried. I do not know what different factors operate. Maybe the kinds of neighborhoods we have lived in ( country clubbish) or is it that we look different , " Good looking Asians" is what someone coined which I like. Or is it that I discriminate. There was this kid in my Son's Third Grade Class. Parents were divorced and he was always wanting to come over our house. As much as I tried to be non judgemental I just did not like who my son was being when he was with him. At 81/2 years of age he had two unsuccessful attempts at dating with at least some mention of kissing as much as I know. So I requested the principal that he not be in the same class as my son and she said he wont be and then we moved.
I am very happy now. I homeschool them. I do music and karate and some book clubs and chess clubs with them. He seems to be happy.
Here is my question , If I did try extra hard and found the right kind of circumstances to let him run amok would I be happier than I am now ?
If I did not introduce him to Tennis, karate, baseball, Swimming, chess in the time that would be reserved for running amok then who would ?