Tue 13 May, 2003 11:37 pm
retromingent (re-tro-MIN-jent) adjective
Urinating backwards.
An animal that passes urine backwards, e.g. raccoon.
What does it mean?
nemmind, it's not as exciting as I thought. Here are some great words I found while looking up retromingent:
Retrogenuflexophobia (n): A morbid fear of the knees bending backwards
~He got a wee touch of the retrogenuflexophobia on the Aggy Ridge. We needed a rope to get him down.
Preantepenultimate (adj): Fourth from last
~He wasn't actually on his last legs when we got him down, but he was on his preantepenultimate legs, for sure.
Floccinaucinihilipilification (n): The act of estimating as worthless
~She just sits in the pub floccinaucinihilipilifying anything under three thousand feet.
Molendinarious (adj): Pertaining to the arms of a windmill
~Just you stand there and go molendinarious with your arms till the helicopter spots us.
Meupareunia (n): A sexual act gratifying to only one participant
~(Use of this word is left as an exercise for the interested reader. When you need it, you'll know.)
I have needed it - just didn't know what it was ....
Great words, littlek! I'm still pondering the backwards peeing. My first thought was that the urine goes up instead of down, but that seems hardly likely.
Re meupareunia--what the bunny said.
LittleK -- Omigosh, are you trying to seduce me? You've got definitions!
Don't be deliberately obtuse, New Haven!
Why do you think?
Damn, CodeBorg, you're easy. Have you seen the thread 'balderdash'? Can't remember if I've seen you there or not.
Ok, folks, apparently retromingental peeing means that it shoots out through the back legs and under the tail. Cats do it too.
I should have kept these words to myself and become the next dasher.
Siderodromophilia: Refers to those who are sexually aroused by trains. So much for the mile high club...
The siderodromophiliac breathlessly waited for his love to slip into something that would emphasize her fine caboose.
Hasn't anyone ever seen a tomcat mark his territory in this fashion?
You people must reallly be urbanites.
PDiddie - just didn't know there was a name for it. And, I thought it meant something more more odd than just that. That's why, when I found out, I found more definitions - so as not to disappoint you all.
Just teasing, k.
And those words you found were excellent.
I think I'm going to make it a point to tell at least 15 people today, that racoons pee backwards.
Well Slappy, as long as you remember to use the word 'racoon' and not the diminutive 'coon', you should escape unharmed.
Riiiiiiight. That might lead me to looking like a racoon.
There goes my cat, retromingenting again!
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:I think I'm going to make it a point to tell at least 15 people today, that racoons pee backwards.
You can do it tonight, down at the Park Street subway station.