Part of the problem is the jargon, trans-fat = hydrogenated oil.
Yeah, so what? If Jay Leno stopped 100 people on the street, would he find two who would know what those are and what the possible effects of them are in food? Duh.
So where are the people supposed to get this information? They don't get it from the ads they see hundreds of times a day for fast foods(tell them you want to superSIZE it.) for pizza (now get TWO when you order one)
and bringing home dinner in a bag. (Fried Chicken, Boston Market.)
The common sense nutrition public service announcements on Saturday morning TV have disappeared (another gift to the American people from the Reagan years.)
Once a year Time or Newsweek or both do a cover story on the wacked out American nutrition to no effect that I can see on the street. What used to be called Women's Magazines are probably the last strong sources of solid information on diets, not just for weight loss, but for just good eating.
The problem here is that the average American women doesn't read as much as she watches TV. Men's health magazine (great abs, wow what abs, get buff abs!) are more about selling stuff than primers on good cooking.
So yeah, the information is out there. Way out there, and yes on the labels now, (Thanks to the liberals for making the makers tell us what's in there in that sauce.) But the preponderance of the messages we get are in the ads, (HEY! It's fun to eat this! YUM!) Maybe we need to change the labels, like on the Oreos it would say:
Quote: Hey! I said only two! Put that back!!!