America to win World Cup 2006?

Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 01:24 pm

THIS is the golden ticket...

Listened to a radio programme the other day about USA's chances in the World Cup (don't anyone from USA bother about this post. you won't understand it.) Well apparently, USA have a fab team, are fully fit, are ranked higher than UK, and are really going for it this year. So much so that Coke are even doing a 'OK, we know you all mock us about (proper) Football, and we all know we have no chance' campaigns...

Soooo, I decided to put a fiver on them getting to the final!

100-1 great odds, and I can afford to loose a fiver, just for the fun and interest, and I did win quite a few bob years back - betting that Cameroon would beat England...

What do you think chaps (and chapesses)?

Do you think that your average American even knows that USA are in the World Cup?
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Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 01:26 pm
I won't expect any replies until the Hungary v England match is over :wink:
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detano inipo
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 01:31 pm
A short while ago there was a friendly between : under 21, Brazil and Canada.
Canada won. Anything is possible.
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Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 01:38 pm
Was going to bet on a USA v Germany final, but thought they would mock me in the Bookies... Laughing

You should have see the faces when I put THAT bet on, I could tell they thought I was a stupid (but gorgeous) blonde! But then they didn't look so sneery when I picked up my £80 on the Cameroon bet! :wink:
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Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 01:40 pm
Re: America to win World Cup 2006?
smorgs wrote:
Do you think that your average American even knows that USA are in the World Cup?

No. But we expect to win even if we don't know anything!
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Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 01:46 pm
No. But we expect to win even if we don't know anything!


So true cousin dear...

But just think if they win! They'd be on Oprah and everything!

...and then it would be declared a holiday

....then there would be a pie named after it

...then Quincy Jones would wright a song about it

...then Tom Cruise would star in a film about it

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Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 01:48 pm
There are fans here, believe it or not. Many of the matches are being televized in the U.S. Many Americans came from football-crazy countries, and/or they or their kids played the game.

I have friends who are keen to watch!
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tin sword arthur
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 01:49 pm
smorgs wrote:
No. But we expect to win even if we don't know anything!


So true cousin dear...

But just think if they win! They'd be on Oprah and everything!

...and then it would be declared a holiday

....then there would be a pie named after it

...then Quincy Jones would wright a song about it

...then Tom Cruise would star in a film about it


Laughing But true.
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Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 01:50 pm
USA plays Czech Republic on June 12.
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Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 02:06 pm
Can't wait!

I'm chilling my lager and inflating my big hand hand already...

Go America!!!!! Laughing

d'artagnan....just teasin :wink:
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Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 02:07 pm
After watching USA lose to Morrocco last week...kiss that fiver bye bye Laughing
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Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 02:13 pm
Mock ye not, Panzade

...I have every faith :wink:
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tagged lyricist
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 03:31 pm
shoot me if that happens
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Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 01:44 pm
The USA's captain - Claudio Reyna - actually plays for my local team, Manchester City [the blues] although I think he's injured for this competition. Shame, because I think it would have been his third World Cup [maybe wrong!]
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detano inipo
Reply Sat 10 Jun, 2006 06:28 am
Quick now, who is the only man to win a World Cup as a player and a second one as a coach?
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 10 Jun, 2006 06:38 am
I think think, there are several: Mario Zagallo .... and of course The Kaiser, Beckenbauer.
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Reply Sat 10 Jun, 2006 06:53 am
I have one of those big foamy habds , but it has the middle finger raised and says.
In America, We would never field a decent soccer team in a pickup match , you have to come from some undernourished country to even be able to endure a soccer game. Here in the US , we breed people more like veal. A 275 pound middle linebacker in an NFL team would drop dead of a coronary before hed make one run on a soccer field.

Also, in America , we need sports that are more rigidly choreographed.Soccer looks like a bunch of guys in shorts running around looting. We have enogh looting here and its not even a sport.

Also , the referees are dressed kind of faggy, thatd never gain large support, we dont like anything faggy in the US.

LAstly, and probably the most overlookeed reason why soccer aint big in the US is that theres little product potential.So, outside of the above mentioned faggy uniforms and a soccer ball (which is really a volleyball , and we all watch bikini clad yound ladies playing volleyball on warm beaches, and toy companies make little "action figures" of the volleyball chicks so we got the "large round ball sport" pretty well covered).There is no really big after- market potential in soccer, this is critical to Americans enjoying a sport..All Merkan sports are based on a sort of Malthusian principle of creating an easily identifiable chochkie associated with taht activity. You create this as a
commodity and create it in a short enough supply so that there will a lways be a market premium for the items. People will rabidly collect all this **** while the games are on play.
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detano inipo
Reply Sat 10 Jun, 2006 07:12 am
Pro soccer will never catch on in the US. It has continuous action, which means : no time for commercials.
In the States that would never work. Too bad, it is thje best team sport, ask all the US kids who play it.
PS. In Canada more kids play soccer than play hockey.
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Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 07:22 am
Thank you for your very interesting post. farmerman and detano inipo, I'd never really understood why soccer (football) wasn't more popular with the cousins...
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Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 07:32 am
panzade wrote:
After watching USA lose to Morrocco last week...kiss that fiver bye bye Laughing

Ha, that's what I was thinking too, panzade. But then I thought, it was their first warm up. The truth is that I haven't been following the games or the teams in years so I have no idea how good they are. We still have some good defenders and we have some interesting younger players, but I don't know how we compare on the world stage. I might have more of an opinion after the first game. I love watching the first round because I get to see how all the different teams play.
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