Mon 12 May, 2003 09:32 pm
Turns out marriage doesn't have to be boring after all! I learned this from the net! If you are feeling ennui in your relationship, you can just go to and drown your sorrows in a sea of slutty, depressed women, and scary predatory men. It's a free sign-up too! Man, isn't life great?
Cav, I haven't checked out your site, but then again, I'm not married and I'm very happy, so ............
I would think that if you're married and bored then you should have the intelligence to dream up something to unbore yourself besides slutty websites, no?
Annnd, why was cav visiting said site?
I first heard this site advertised over the radio, and thought it was quite creepy....just wondering about the general consensus. It is basically encouraging people to have a very happily married man, I found it more offensive than the usual porn links that spam into my e-mail. Thoughts? I should add, this site is specifically designed for married people, targeting women in particular, who want to hook up with guys to have is not a porn site, more a married people dating service...
Quote: Statistics suggest that the majority of North American and European adults do not maintain permanently monogamous or 'closed' relationships. In fact, it is estimated that some 50 - 60% of men and 40 - 50% of women will engage in an extramarital affair or romantic tryst at some point.
People have affairs or seek open relationships for many different reasons. Some people want change, novelty, excitement, or risk.
Unfortunately, many find that the initial lure and level of sexual activity with their familiar partner fades as the relationship matures and eventually stabilizes.
Anthropologists have found that there are fundamental physiological changes that take place during the course of a relationship that contribute to the lack of long-term fidelity. Initial hormonal changes that sexually attract one person to another diminish over time and sex may become less exciting, boring or monotonous.
Many choose to recapture this sexual energy and excitement by embarking on an affair or open relationship.
Extra-marital affairs and open spousal relationships offer an opportunity to re-experience the excitement and stimulation associated with dating and courtship.
I feel so sorry for the kids.. on both sides.
I hear ya Gen...and these people are making money off it somewhere....
Where'd you get those stats, Gen?
I admit to not wanting to even open that link -- it's the kind of thing I'd HATE to have to explain away if E.G. came across it. ("This guy on A2K told me to check it out! No, no, he's happily married! No, I know that this site is for married people... I'm happily married too! Yes, I've seen his picture, but... no no, you see...")
Anyway, I don't trust those stats, especially if they come from that site.
Agree that it's creepy.
Lol, Mrs. cav does IT, so she can check my history anytime. Thankfully, we communicate well enough that it would not be an issue if she found the link. However...
I believe in almost nothing. Not god, not religion, not politics, not even a typically structured lifestyle. Strangely enough, there are two concepts that I know in my heart to be true, the sanctity of commitment (don't get on my case for using religious terminology, lol), and the fact that every problem in this world has a solution, and this ashley madison site is soooo not one for marital boredom.
Also, I love how they use the anthropological model to justify their statistics. Just from being on A2K, I could put together a 'model' for anyone who is a regular poster. It is all based on observation and interperetation anyway, and results can be fudged, anthropology is an inexact science. One thing I do know, a skunk in the ravine nearby just chased someone away...eeeewwww....hope it was ashley madison....
Oh and yeah, it wouldn't be a cap I Issue, but I have a bad habit of blushing furiously if something remotely compromising comes up (he does this too -- we have a feedback loop situation), and my tendency is to want to avoid it entirely.
His uncle's wife ran off with someone she met on the net, and so that is one area that he's actually somewhat sensitive about -- rationally, knows he has nothing to worry about, but irrationality niggles.
clear your history and cache

just kidding! I'm not in favor of hiding things.
At work it's pretty much a joke - most people go about clearing history, cache multiple times a day. Little do they know the proxy server collects everthing into a cache to assistance in bandwidth balancing, so no matter what they do, it's there. It's been well established I'm way more productive when I can had my net freedom. "just don't pick-up a virus"
Cav, like Soz, I would rather not visit the site, but the idea is so pathetic. Sure, there are lots of unhappily married people, but are they incapable of getting counseling, getting a divorce or finding someone through some channel that doesn't make infidelity a business? Yuck.
Well I've not went there and do not think I'll be going.
I agree Diane, I think the whole thing is incredibly pathetic. For me, it was really about needing to know this thing was for real...
Gen, right, that was my point. The link is from their site, so is self-serving -- "See, everyone does it! Go ahead! You'd be in the majority!"
I don't buy it.
Cav, checked it out on Snopes just in case, didn't find anything.
Maybe I should sign up and git' me some.
Go for it Slappy, and let us know.
Well Slappy, if it works... Let us know. I wish I could wish you luck...
*Shakes her head and drifts back into the shadows...*