Mon 12 May, 2003 04:47 am
[quote]Pneumonia Vaccine May Hold Heart Benefits
Sun May 11, 7:28 PM ET
By RANDOLPH E. SCHMID, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - Vaccine used to prevent pneumonia may also have benefits for the heart, new research indicates.
Mice vaccinated using a bacteria that is a common cause of pneumonia developed high levels of an antibody that slows or halts the progression of heart disease, researchers working in California and Finland found[/quote]
Link to Pneumonia Vaccine Story
Have you taken the pneumonia vaccine? It is supposed to be effective for five years. I don't know if the shot is in widespread use. Usually it is reccommended for older people, and people with serious chronic illnesses. Personally, I think it is a good thing for everybody to have. What do you think?
Sounds interesting, but one must ask " What are the side effects of the penumococcal vaccine?" If one suffers kidney failure, in order to preserve heart function and avoid pneumonia, does the end truly justify the means?
I've always heard pneumonia called "the old folks friend".
In my immediate family I've helped with three slow deaths from incurable cancer and have seen four friends die the same way.
One of the doctors attending my father--when it became obvious that he would never leave the hospital--observed, "He may die from cancer, but pneumonia is always a possibility."
I tried to discuss this with my doctor, but was told that the new vaccine was a boon and a blessing.
I've had the vaccine two times. No side effects.
During my life I've had pneumonia 3 times and 2 of those I had to be hospitalized, once was a collasped-lung. But since the vaccine - zip-zero.
Most people don't seem to suffer any really harmful
side effects from the vaccine, unless you suffer from
an autoimmune disease or connective tissue disease,
like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis - any disease where
your immune system is comprimised in any way - it
could be more likely for you to get sick from the
vaccine than your chances of getting pneumonia among
the general public. This is some interesting news tho,
it makes you wonder doesn't it, if some of the information
they teach in medical school is correct at all - sort of like
in the days when they taught that the world was flat?
Fascinating, that such a vaccine could have positive
effects on the heart. This could lead to a whole new
world of scientific information about the heart. One of
the most interesting things about being a pharmacist
and the study of pharmacy, is that about 50 percent of
the drugs - they have NO IDEA WHY the drug works the
way it does, or how... they just know that it does. So,
we use it without really knowing why. There has always
been an old joke about aspirin, if someone invented
aspirin today and tried to market it - it would be only
sold as a prescription due to its effects as a blood
thinner, not to mention the high possibility of causing
stomach ulcers, etc.