Thu 25 May, 2006 05:54 pm
My nutty sister called last night. Throughout my life she has been the person both the closest to and the furthest from me. Our lives have been an apache dance.
Last night she was in a jolly mood and we began to reminisce. During the course of the conversation something came up and she stopped and said:
"I had forgotten how much you liked to just be alone."
It was kind of neat to have someone remember such an intimate little detail of my childhood/youth because very few people I know understand that part of me. Aloneness is really a very integral part of who I am and not many people "get it".
I tagged along with her a lot; she was very social. I think she did it to indulge my inner Harriet (the spy). She was a performer and I was her audience. She had a ready admirer and I had someone to admire for being who I was not. It worked out very nice for both of us.
All of this is a very roundabout way of asking....
Who "gets" you and what do the "get" that nobody else does?
awww, what a nice post, boomer...
My youngest sister... we can speak volumes with a look, we know what's going on in the other's head, we know how the other will react, we finish each other's sentences, we laugh at the same things... we're different in some ways, but so the same in others. And I trust her like no other.
My brother and I have this type of relationship. We can just say one or two words, and it will remind us of some situation we've been in, and we will just laugh and laugh. It confuses the heck out of our parents, who rarely if ever have any idea what in the world we are going on about. We have been known to go off into gales of laughter that leave us both teary-eyed and catching our breath.
Recent times have brought us closer together, as he was engaged and called it off due to some unfortunate circumstances. But he was able to find support in myself and our parents, and our bond is stronger than ever.
Yeah, but Tin... do you bend over at the waist when you laugh?
My best friend from high school, M.A.B.
We see each other once a year now - and it's always as if we're continuing a conversation that never stops.
It's kinda weird in a way. She is the oldest of 6 kids, but we've still got some kind of connection she doesn't have with any of her sibs. Which they don't like - quite verballty sometimes.
ehBeth, I was talking to my best friend (from grade 6) last night - there's just something about a best bud who's known you almost as long as you've known yourself, isn't there? Most things don't need no 'splaining'...
Glad you've got one of those, too...
The not explaining thing is the most marvellous gift.
ehBeth wrote:The not explaining thing is the most marvellous gift.
eBeth that is brilliant! What a perfect summation of exactly what I was trying to convey. Thank you!
I can tell that all three of you "get it". Thank you!
I share my humor with my brother. He is one of the funniest people you could ever hope to meet. We have a weird mind meld which makes our relationship much easier than the one I have with nutty sister.
I also have Ste. Sister, the balm of my life; the person who brings me comfort and joy.
My siblings are my army.
boomerang wrote:My siblings are my army.
I don't think I have ever heard it put more succinctly or beautifully.
This so hits home with me. A few people in the past have "gotten" me, but they "got" who I was then. I'm not sure anybody "gets" me now, and that makes me a bit sad sometimes. My own sister just recently sent a link to this article to me. I think you would enjoy it, boomer.
Her words after reading it: "I almost feel relieved after reading this."
awww... that's a great article. It's so important to acknowledge the differences. I'm an extrovert, my sister Karen (who I spoke about) is an introvert (we're 'innies and outties' like the belly-buttons)...
The humor thing, oh my goodness. I never laugh as hard as I do when any of three of my sisters are around. Good god, they are funny. And they have the same sick sense of brutal humor that I have. I laugh so hard that I cry and snort like a raving wildabeast. Nothing is off limits as far as we are concerned, and that isn't something I feel comfortable sharing outside of that circle for fear of being locked up in the loony bin.
Hell, most of the time I don't even get myself. I think the only person who really gets me though is my friend, Brenda. she actually gets everyone. She has this uncanny ability to capture everyone's essence that she meets. I'm in awe of her. She's also able to do perfect impressions of people and is one of the funniest people I've ever met.
Do you guys do the one-liners? We all feed off one another that way

No one outside the family can keep up... it's great
FreeDuck!! That article was amazing.
Quote:Second, when you see an introvert lost in thought, don't say "What's the matter?" or "Are you all right?"
should be my tatoo.
I'm going to forward that on to nutty sister along with a big thank you.
A big thank you to you, too, for sending it to me.
He was a little harsh on the extroverts, but I found it pretty entertaining. My favorite line: "We tend to think before talking, whereas extroverts tend to think by talking, which is why their meetings never last less than six hours."
I laughed out loud because that is such a geek complaint at work. We hate meetings because they drag on and on and things get repeated and at the end nothing has been resolved.
Yeah, okay, it is a little harsh on the extroverts but it does give credit where credit is due -- to the people like nutty sister who seem to "get it" and appreciate it for what it means.
Like eBeth said ..... not having to explain.
Like Mame and TSA say - saying it without having to say it.
I miss that in a off to camp, homesick kind of way.
Like FreeDuck, I've had a series of friends like that -- there is one who I continue the conversation with everytime I see her (met her freshman year of college, haven't lived in the same city for, hmm, a dozen years or so) and then usually a few who live nearby who change according to where I live.
I hate moving for many reasons, but one of the hardest is moving away from the "get-me" people. I still miss the dad who lived across the street the last place we lived, have met a few people who are getting there in terms of ease and simpatico-ness but not quite. I miss people from Madison, still, who were more face-to-face people than correspondence people.
The get-me stuff is usually humor -- in person, more than here (I can edit here, or at least write and then not submit -- I do that ALL the time) I blurt or mutter things that most people don't know what to do with, and the people who turn out to be good friends are often the ones who crack up.
And I don't know if it counts, but I miss the really fine-tuned employer-employee stuff, too -- a tiny raised eyebrow in a meeting that resulted in someone doing or saying exactly what I was trying to convey, that kind of thing.