Thu 25 May, 2006 01:00 am
what does the phrase "when pigs fly "mean ? please give me more phrases about "pigs"
" Pigs might fly" means "it will never happen" as in the exchange.....John says he will tidy his room...Oh yes ! Pigs might fly !
(Some English pottery shops sell flying pigs to put on your wall

Try Google "pig sayings".
In the American vernacular, "a pig in a poke" means something bought, sight unseen. A poke is a old word used to mean a sack--buying a "pig in a poke" means buying something without inspecting it to see if it is what you are told you are buying.
To "eat like a pig" means to eat rapidly, in an uncouth in impolite manner.
The expression "in a pig's eye" means something that is not going to happen, as in, i'll take that ten dollars you owe me--in a pig's eye! (Meaning, i demand the ten dollars, and the person who i claim owes me ten dollars says he won't pay.)
1. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. This means you can only improve things so much, or you can't make something into something it is not: You might make a purse out of a sow's ear, but you can't make it silk.
The meaning is similar to "polishing a turd."
2. Cast (throw) pearls before swine. This means that one shouldn't waste one's resources/time on people that won't appreciate it.
3. Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig. Meaning is similar to #2.