what hysteria? saw inconvenient truth today, and its title is quite accurate. here's a graph from wikipedia, quite similar to one featured in the film, showing how closely CO2 tracks temperature: (i had to first save it to my blog in order to resize it)
and here's one that shows the unprecedented high levels of CO2 at present:
glaciers are dwindling everywhere, the arctic, alaska, greenland, alps, kilimanjaro, antarctica, you name it. to cite one extreme example: polar bears are drowning because they have to swim so far to get from one ice floe to the next. the 10 hottest years ever were recorded in the last 14 years. a few years back in india, it rained 36 inches in one day. trucks needed for transporting oil in alaska get stuck because permafrost is melting. the film has many, many more examples of climactic change. in short, the evidence for global warming is overwhelming. it's fact, not theory, and if you think that's hysteria, you're in denial.