From The Mouths Of Babes

Reply Mon 22 May, 2006 08:54 am
So Saturday I'm getting ready to harness up this kid about 4 years old for the climb wall and he says "Be careful because my penis is sore". Well, I kept it together and replied "Oh, sorry to hear that" but his mother turned every shade of red and rolled her eyes like she wanted to find a hole to crawl into. The kid was so dead pan and serious, it was absolutely hilarious. I stayed composed but later when telling squinney about it I about died laughing. Laughing

Do you have any stories about when your kids said something that made youwant to disappear in public. I'm not easily embarassed but our cubs have near done squinney in in public a few times, like the time at Christmas Eve service that we stood to sing and Seth, aobut 3 at the time unzipped her dress all the way to the waist and out popped the celestial bodies. That was pretty funny.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 543 • Replies: 7
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Reply Mon 22 May, 2006 09:06 am
Nearly everytime we walk into a public restroom, Yaya pipes up with, "Daddy, I smell something!"

At the store the other day, T took Yaya's arms and told her to behave. Yaya starts shouting, "Ow! Ow! You're pinching me!" Shocked

Later, we ask Yaya what pinching is and she demonstrates by gently patting T's hand and saying, "I'm angry. Pinch!" Confused
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soul collector
Reply Mon 22 May, 2006 08:15 pm
my younger sister 4yr tels me repetively to shut up
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Lady J
Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 12:23 am
My sister used to say to her son, when he was very young, "C'mon Joey, let's beat feet!" or..."C'mon Joey. Let's jet off!"

Well....one day when Joey was about 4, my sis and her hubby were sitting in a Realtors office, with Joey in tow. Joey, being only 4, got very bored with the whole ordeal quite soon and while he tried to be on his best behaviour, my brother in law finally really got a clue, when Joey innocently spouted off..."C'mon dad, let's beat off!"

My brother in law turned beat red, as did the Realtor and my sister couldn't stop laughing!! Joey was just happy they got to leave soon after. Smile
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Lady J
Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 12:34 am
I must give my former husband some credit. He has always had and still does have a very quick witted, dry sense of humour.

When our daughter was about 3, he came home from work one day and told us all about the new computer system they were installing at his work. It was computer this and computer that and for some reason, Brooke was just entranced listening to her dad. After awhile of listening, there was a break in the conversation. Brooke looked up to her dad and asked, "Dad, do you have a cute peter?" Without missing a beat, dad said, "Brookie, maybe you should ask mom about that! Embarrassed
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soul collector
Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 01:25 am
sounds like my dads quick humor
any way my 4 yr old sister just said she hated me and was going to shoot me when she got older
but i know she still loves me
does she?
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Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 08:22 am
One day, my husband and I were shopping in a mall. We had lunch, and after we went to our separate washrooms. When we met up again, Randy had a case of the chuckles.

When he first went into the men's washroom, there was a young father with his daughter -- maybe 4 or 5 years old. The father was zipping up and went to the sink to wash. Randy briefly considered waiting until they left, but decided that a child brought to a public washroom is probably inured with the sights, and he really had to go, so he unzipped and went about his business.

The little girl came to stand beside Randy's urinal, with wide-eyed wonderment. When her father realized her fascination, he grabbed her arm, mumbled an apology, and whisked her out. But not before she blurted out, "His freddy is the biggest ever, daddy!"

You know how size is relative, and things a child considers large may not be unusually so. But they often stick in your mind as you first perceived them. Randy figured that he gave all her future boyfriends an impossible standard to achieve. Pitied them, he did.
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soul collector
Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 07:40 pm
and i thought the things my little sister said were bad
i showed my mates this and the would not stop laughing
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