Men - Is it just women who have crushes on nerds?

ebrown p
Reply Mon 15 May, 2006 04:10 pm
Does the Borg character, "Seven of Nine" from Star Trek-TNG (played by Jerry Ryan) count as a nerd character? She was smart, socially awkward and had that weird metal thing on her face.
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Mon 15 May, 2006 04:14 pm
ebrown_p wrote:
Does the Borg character, "Seven of Nine" from Star Trek-TNG (played by Jerry Ryan) count as a nerd character? She was smart, socially awkward and had that weird metal thing on her face.

OOOOH! Seven of nine.

Now there's one girl I wouldn't mind beaming up from the shower block.
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Reply Mon 15 May, 2006 04:19 pm
About 15 years ago I dated a lady who worked in my office building who had an MS in Math. She was 6 feet fall with mousey brown hair, weight around 160, thought oral sex had something to do with telephones, smoked Eve cigarettes and her diet consisted of take-out chinese. Her idea of a romantic evening was to go over, sentence by sentence, the book "A brief history of time" while drinking gingerale. I thought she was pretty hot stuff. She thought I was nerdy.
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Reply Mon 15 May, 2006 04:29 pm
Velma from Scooby Doo is a good one, the girl who played her is the one from ER right? Assuming I'm not getting mixed up she looked A LOT better in Scooby Doo compared to ER as far as I'm concerned, fair enough, in ER she's often got her hand stuck inside some guys chest with blood spraying left, right and centre but still, she looked very good with that type/colour hair and glasses...

As for me, I'm a bit of a geek I guess, no glasses or anything but I tick off a few of the boxes. I haven't really come across many geeky girls, very few in fact, only girls who were had the intelligent/socially awkward element nailed down. I've play the odd online fantasy game (you see I told you about that geek list...) and the reaction amongst people online when someone "claims" to be a girl is incredibly hilarious. They're seen as a rare bunch indeed.
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Reply Tue 16 May, 2006 07:06 am
I thought of another one - the girl on Criminal Minds that is always looking things up on the computer and hacking into things for the team.
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The Pentacle Queen
Reply Wed 17 May, 2006 02:38 am
does Dr Gillian McKeith count as a nerd?
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Reply Wed 17 May, 2006 10:40 am
Who's that?
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Reply Wed 17 May, 2006 10:45 am
I was always attracted to the leather jacket types with long hair and I think I would have had better luck with the nerds Confused
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Reply Wed 17 May, 2006 10:48 am
We'd have treated you nicer, but you'd probably have been bored.
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Reply Wed 17 May, 2006 10:55 am
Yup Laughing
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The Pentacle Queen
Reply Thu 18 May, 2006 04:54 am
shes this doctor in england that tells people to eat healthilly. Smile
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Reply Thu 18 May, 2006 05:41 am
Wasn't Gillian Anderson's character on X-Files kind of a nerd? She was HOT!
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Reply Thu 18 May, 2006 10:40 am
I looked up that Dr. - She doesn't look like a nerd, however, she could still act like one and therefore qualify.
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kitkat bar
Reply Thu 18 May, 2006 04:51 pm
Re: Men - Is it just women who have crushes on nerds?
Linkat wrote:
At the request of someone - I have posed the above question. It seems there are many women who have or have had crushes on nerds. There is some appeal to these geeks (from a women's perspective) that is inexplicable. But this does not seem the same for men.

So men, have you ever had a crush, been attracted to a female geek, nerd or similar? If not, why? Are you so shallow that only beauty is important? Can't you see attraction is something odd/different?

Whoa...I thought I was the only one out there that felt that way about "nerds". I don't know what the attraction is but I like the geeky class clown types.
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Reply Thu 18 May, 2006 04:59 pm
i always thought bailey (jan smithers) from WKRP was way hotter than Jennifer (loni anderson)

so i guess i like the nerd kinda girls
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Reply Thu 18 May, 2006 05:34 pm
Re: Men - Is it just women who have crushes on nerds?
Linkat wrote:
It seems there are many women who have or have had crushes on nerds.

Where? Where?

<looks around eagerly>

<finds himself alone at home behind a laptop>

(s the bloody trouble with being a nerd)

Linkat wrote:
So men, have you ever had a crush, been attracted to a female geek, nerd or similar?

Oh yeah! There's some cute geek girls out there. All smart, and with that tomboyish look going on. Or with that slightly eccentric pixie-type style of her own that goes with having a savvy brain and off-beat wit and/or imagination. Sweet and with a hint of kinky like only smart girls can have.

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Reply Thu 18 May, 2006 05:43 pm
Linkat wrote:
so it seems odd (at least to me) to have a crush on some one that is typically not considered "attractive".


I think most of the girls that catch my (longing) eye at first glance are typically not considered "attractive", if you mean the "heartthrob" type you mentioned earlier.

Funnily enough, two of the three actual girlfriends I had for years, however, were the type that made other men (and nudge-nudging uncles) go cooorrr..
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Reply Thu 18 May, 2006 06:01 pm
(Well, I seem to have the talking-to-myself-three-posts-in-a-row thing pat down tonight ... how nerdy.)

On my last visit to Mainz, Germany, which was an altogether dreary affair, we did go out dancing all night on Friday, till we walked home in the dawn light in fact; some intelligent-techno DJ playing at one club, which was kinda crap, so we moved to another place, which was utterly f*cking brilliant. Last night it was open, ever, kind of a cult place, two dancefloors w/electro DJs, bar in the middle stacked full of people of all kinds and looks, everyone totally at ease and grooving, spilling over the old couches and seats in the bar place. Since I was getting kinda sick of watching my friend and her boyfriend newly melt all night and we were collectively pushed in between two couches anyway, I plunked down, turned to the girl beside me and said, "So, who are you?"

She was this really petite girl: Britta. Thin arms, small glasses, crusty-type dreadlocks and a huge tattoo across her back. And she had a lovely smile. 24 she was, studying to be a social worker, here on her own because her husband couldnt come tonight. Very charming, I thought very pretty, definitely geeky. Spent a very cool time in spirited conversation with lots of laughs. When she went back to her friends I went dancing, so missed her when, my friend told me, she came back looking for me.

Yes, geek charm, definitely Very Happy
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Reply Fri 19 May, 2006 01:45 am
Surely society has come far enough that everyone now knows that boys will not make passes at girls who wear glasses.
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The Pentacle Queen
Reply Fri 19 May, 2006 04:48 am
what about girls who are otherwise attractive but have noses with bumps in them?

*crosses fingers*
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